This was unironically the worst television show I ever watched, in terms of the ratio between ambition and ability...

This was unironically the worst television show I ever watched, in terms of the ratio between ambition and ability. Are they still making this shit?

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Up there with Stranger Things as a series you should absolutely only watch the first season of.

great show. and yes there's new season coming soon after long break

Unfortunately yes, first season was great, I gave up halfway through the second, I don't think Iv ever seen a drop off in quality that severe

>Are they still making this shit?
Yeah, Ifuckinglovescience Muskite engineering students have got to watch something.

>first season was great, I gave up halfway through the second
Literally me.

Season 1 was good. Shame it went to shit immediately after that but at least the s1 finale makes for an acceptable ending. Now that I think about it, Westworld's problem is trying to be this big multi season series when evidently it worked perfectly as a 1 season story. Everything was doomed to not make sense past the finale.

Season 1 wasn't good either, it just didn't yet get to the bad parts. The whole premise was nonsense.

isnt this aaron paul's biggest role since jesse in breaking bad

third season looked like it was made by a completely different production company or something
barely even recognizable

its a great show with a strong 3rd season. dont be a pleb

We had fun with all that shrink ray meme didn't we?


I think it was good for maybe 2-3 episodes. It takes that long to really feel the terrible writing.

Saying this in hindsight, yes, it was just a useless mystery box. At the time though it was absolutely riveting.

the pilot was literally the only good episode

first season was kino, second season was retarded, third season is total why bother

I liked the man in black being an autist who plays the game again and again trying to learn its mysteries and see hidden content, but the resolution of the whole puzzle thing was such a disappointment.
I’ve never watched any seasons besides the first one because everything people post makes them seem like trash.

They fucking killed him in the post credits scene of S3 using a host copy of him.

Attached: 1587980404269.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

The first season was good, but not as clever or deep as it pretended to be. The foundation was rotted but it should be appreciated for its ambition

Guys saying things that sound deep but are totally meaningless: the show

wow. I don't even wanna know how it feels to live with brain damage as severe as yours. fucking hell.

They lost the plot as hard or harder then game of thrones and there was no reason for it except complete retardation, in Game of Thrones case they actually had a fat lazy retarded writer who left them hanging.

>Unfortunately yes, first season was great, I gave up halfway through the second, I don't think Iv ever seen a drop off in quality that severe
Even for something like Stranger Things, I was vaguely conscious that S2 wasn't quite up to the standards of S1 but I was invested in the characters and enjoyed it enough to keep going to the end (then didn't bother with S3). But with Westworld I quickly lost interest in almost every storyline. Plus it felt cryptic and confusing for the sake of it vs the first season where you had a genuinely interesting mystery.

>The whole premise was nonsense.
Nah it was a fun way to watch some interesting character drama.

God damn this was the gayest show ever. It's the height of feigning depth trend that tv went through in the last decade(s) . Every fucking episode is ambiguous and a cliffhanger. Every new bit of information is first dangled in front of the viewer then only leads to more bullshit dead ends.
Who has a qrd of the rest of the show with all the bullshit cut out?