I-is that... is that a person who doesn't believe in my bronze age kike religion...?

I-is that... is that a person who doesn't believe in my bronze age kike religion...?

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still seething tranny faggot, you're going to hell.
Christ is king.

Why are right-wingers so sensitive?

Why yes I am a genuine traditional Christian which is why I hang around an online forum for anime, pedophiles and porn all day and never go to church or talk to actual people, how could you tell?

this but unironically

Your fag Jesus died and everyone saw it, but no one saw how he "resurrected" .. He died and did not leave children and bequeathed to his followers to do the same. Christians are condemned to destruction. Cope.

Honestly yeah I am a Christian and my life does belong to Jesus Christ and I'm fully aware of the irony that I spend most of my time in a place like this but honestly? If I could save just one of you it would be worth it. I personally believe that there's good left in you, and that as far as you've all strayed from God all it would take is for you to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. Just fucking ask, bros. Just ask. Ask and it will be given to you and I can tell you Gods grace is infinite. So much so that he sent his only begotten son to die for us so that we may be forgiven.

I'll stick around until the faggot janitors delete this thread if anyone wants to talk about the love I personally have for God and more importantly the love He has for all of us

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even if their beliefs are wrong making fun of people is retarded and im a muslim so this blonde dude isn't the real jesus.

Why would anyone hang a troon who is already nailed to a crods? That makes no heckin sense!!!

>you're still going to hell btw, sorry about that :/

You're going to be fertilizer for plants and trees
The only worth you will ever have

Imagine being so mentally ill that you would rather suffer for eternity than get mental counselling, sad!

It's your choice.

From dust to dust, as it was before as it shall forever be

>get mental counselling
>and by "mental counseling" I mean believing in made up 2000 years old jewish fairytales
>you're the one who's mentally ill btw

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idk if youre mocking but people can spiritually connect however they feel is correct. me personally i watch nick fuentes streams with my fellow based magapedes

If you were a tree, I’d cut you down.

actual christians do not behave like that

So what do you believe in? Nothing? That's what I thought.


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