David Koresh literally did nothing wrong

David Koresh literally did nothing wrong

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his puusy stank

We actually treated Russian people better than this guy. What a stain on our flag.

Is the Wendigoon video good?

And he was better than you

do you wanna elaborate on that?

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>*fucks your wife because G-d told him to in a dream*
>refuses to elaborate

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Yes he did. The government is there to help us move forward as a society. Society is such a complex place now that we cannot be trusted to know what is best for us or even our children for that matter. The only way we will ever beat capitalism is if we restrain people a bit. Let the state take care of raising children, help you out of poverty and allocate resources.

He was extremely selfish valuing freedumb over society.


He's clearly done his research into it and changed my opinion on some of it

>burns your shit down
guess who's laughing now, bitch.

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>The government is there to help us move forward as a society.

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>believes another psyop

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meds, copetard

>The state is all powerful and inevitable. Resistance is futile. No one has ever fought back.

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Growing up everyone talked shit about the government, now i tell zoomers how shitty the state is and they look at weird, bad times.

same, I mean I never believed the official story anyway but now I'm convinced all of it was slander to get public approval and justification to do pure evil.
I hate the antichrist

it was a mistake. luckily we learn from our mistakes.

What is Wendigoon?

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he literally fucked 13-15 year old girls as his wives