Have you ever had a friend who backstabbed you?

Have you ever had a friend who backstabbed you?

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I have no friend to backstab me

Everyone of them, it only needs time for some of them. This is why I decided that wasting time and energy on "friendship" is not worthy


As a youth yeah. Both times were after transitioning to a higher level school.

you're gay

No u

I have never been alone and can find friends somehow, but the relationship is always so superficial that it fades away quickly when my environment has changed like graduation from school.
Either side dares not to contact each other.

"""friends""" will always backstab you, all of them are fake, you must be very naive if you believe in the idea of a """"friendship"""

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T. Kraut

This lol

how you got backstabbed ?


Yes, anglos, germans, italians and all europeans

You mean like anal?

it was a mutual stabbing

Wasn't really a friend, I didn't think we were that close
But yes, now I have no friends to backstab me again

Yes, it happened recently actually. Friendships should not be looked at as permanent

had a friend of 7 years beat me up to have a chance to be part of the cool kids at school

I've backstabbed several friends and probably will do it again

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rough. i did this but verbally

does a literal backstab count?

same but i wont again because i have none left


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