Daily reminder breaking bad is better than soipranos

daily reminder breaking bad is better than soipranos.

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reddit is that way ------------------------->

He says, posting a picture of the most useless television character of all time to make his point.

>look up "breaking bad vs sopranos" threads on reddit
>all top comments say sopranos is better
>every breaking bad fan is downvoted

idk bout that one, chief


true, mostly due to the lack of jews and italians (jews with good food)

I actually agree. I went into Sopranos with high expectations and was kinda disappointed, it's an ok show, meanwhile BB is legitimately the best show I've ever seen.

Always has been. Sopranos might have a good story and characters (I don't know, I haven't watched it really) but what it lacks is in the choreography really. I just don't find it convincing to see a bunch of old obese men running around and killing people, with guns or fists, they just look so awkward doing it. The same goes for movies like Casino (remember the scene where Joe Pesci gets beat to death with bats and all the old geriatric fat dudes are lightly tapping him with the bats? So unbelievable). That's why all the new crime television series like Breaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire will always be better than the old shit.

While I prefer Breaking Bad, the imagery of fat boomers murdering people is very true to the real life mafia

yeah boardwalk is better than sopranos.

t. underage

low T.

Sopranos might be a bit too slow without at least three epic Heisenberg momentsĀ® per episode, I know.

low IQ


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Vince can write plot, I'll give him that, but he couldn't write a consistent character to save his life.

Every scene in BB has to have badass quips like its a fuck 1980's action movie:
>"He made up his mind 10 minutes ago"
>"I am the danger"
>"Just shut the fuck up and let me die in peace"

Not to mention the number of plot conveniences he writes into every season.

Not to mention there are also legitimately unexplained plot holes in the last season.

Meanwhile, in sopranos every character so richly written and organic its like you are watching real people.

Here's the distinction for brainlets:
>In Breaking Bad, Vince has an idea of where he wants an episode/season to end up, he writes towards his "le epic badass" moments and fills in gaps to get there (he's literally admitted this about the death of Gus)
>In Sopranos, Chase allows the plot to be motivated by the characters, and what they would do given their own motivations and weaknesses.

>Breaking Bad: characters act logically, but inconsistently (like a plot)
>Sopranos: characters act illogically, but consistently (like human beings.

This guy gets it:

Attached: sopranos-bracco-gandolfini.jpg (1568x1117, 566.44K)

>what is "You dont gotta love me but you gotta respect me"
>conveniently forgetting about paulies fingerprints on the knife he used to kill the columbians. (plot hole)
>what is characters suddenly dying of heart attack when theyre about to rat on tony (plot convenience)
>The entirety of breaking bad is actually walt and jesse acting illogically.

>what is "You dont gotta love me but you gotta respect me"
That's not really supposed to be a badass line. That's just Tony telling Chris straight up what he expects from him.

im the motherfucking fuck fuck shit adult fuck mature fuck badass alpha male fuck.

Attached: badass.jpg (960x960, 83.85K)

Yeah, seems like you're still missing the point of Sopranos. I'm guessing you're a triggered BB fan who's never actually watched the show. It's a shame because unlike on BB, Tony isn't meant to be your self-insert mary sue. He is what he is, but he's not meant to be idolized at all.

well. the same can be said about breaking bad but you keep insisting that its just full of quips yet these "quips" are much more prevalent than sopranos than on breaking bad.

They aren't. The "quips" on The Sopranos are mostly idiotic lines used to ironically make fun of the characters. On Breaking Bad it's literally '80s action level shit.

same as breaking bad
do you see every single character spouting these "quips"
no because Its only walter white that keeps spouting these idiotic lines.
because thats the kind of character walter white is. hes a chemistry teacher who thinks being in the drug game is like being in a 80s action flick.

Right, but the only problem is the the drug game IS like an '80s action flick on Breaking Bad. Cartoonish stuff happens all the time. I still like Breaking Bad but it just isn't as grounded as The Sopranos. Also, comparing the two isn't really a good idea in the first place. if you're looking for a tightly written story without much extra, then yeah Breaking Bad is the show for you, even if it is a bit unrealistic. The Sopranos is paced in a much more chillout kind of way and is much more about immersing the viewer in the MC's daily life.

i already pointed out how cartoonish sopranos is to you.
some guy is about to rat on tony and he gets a heart attack?
like that guy said fat geriatric mobsters threatening people?
Mobsters killing people in broad daylight without repercussions?
Its already pointed out to you how goofy sopranos is and you keep insisting its le grounded adult mature drama.