/MENA/ /شاشا/ /ܡܹܢܵܐ/ /מנא/

Lebanese arak edition

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متحطش عبري يا شرموطة

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For Lebanon

Lebanese cant suffer edition

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checked + bad goy, shut it or no drinking water for the day.

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blessed thread

Lebanesebros we just keep winning

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Lebanon always wins

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So what does Arak taste like?

Lebs just cant suffer, fk electricity, i wud do anything to live in this trad lifestyle

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يعطيك العافية انون
انا زبطت الجزء الأعلى من الكاس
هو كان أخضر ليبين جلد پيپي الأخضر

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Yeah sorry for half assing it, I wanted to make a better one later after making the thread.

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Great job brother thanks

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Can u guys make a syrian pepe with a cup of متة ?

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How does متة taste?

No "t" in there.
Also I don't make the rules :)