From my point of view Zelensky is evil!

>From my point of view Zelensky is evil!

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Then you are based!

>don't be evil anakin
>hold on let me cut your legs off near approaching lava and leave you for dead
>cya later

I have denazified my new empire


Your new empire? Anakin, my allegiance is to NATO --- TO GLOBOHOMO!

>Anachud you need to defend democracy!

Not evil, just corrupt.

>chirps feminism for years like every other neoliberal stooge
>when war comes, conscript all the men while letting their women run away to western europe so they can screw foreigners
>if Ukrainian boys somehow do survive being thrown at the front lines against their will, when they get home all the women they fought, bled, and died to protect won't even be there for them
He's a piece of shit. The leaders on both sides are. The western feminists not saying a word about the most egregious instance of sexism in decades are pieces of shit.

Only you ARE a tankie

>"You make a good point, Anakin, let's team up and bring Zelensky and his masters down."

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it's over putin, i have the high ground

>ITT: spics butthurt about USA destroying russhits with ukrainian peasants supported by 0.01% of american military budget

>ukrainian peasants supported by 0.01% of american military budget
Kek. You think you support the Ukrainian people? All money you send into Ukraine will end up on one of Zelenskyy's Panama accounts.
Any weapons you give them will swiftly be sold on and turned into money, which in turn will again end up going to Zelenskyy himself. Why do you think he wants the most advanced and most modern weaponry that his soldiers can't even operate?
Why do you think that despite getting billions from the US, Germany, France and the EU for the last few years, Ukraine hasn't invested into education, economy, infrastructure or even bought any of those weapons they now want everyone to give to them for free overnight? Where do you think all that money went?

I gotta say, the Russians aren't good for much, but they can take a punch.
They're sucking up a good amount of NATO equipment in this little proxy war of ours. We'll probably run out of Ukrainians before they run out of bullheaded determination at this rate.

Trump lost.
Kill yourself.

>He is a tranny Anakin!
>He is too powerful to live!

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>no, I KNOW what's happening in Ukraine!
>NO! I KNOW what's happening in Ukraine!

I'm not even American, brainlet. And, yes, Russia is the aggressor in that war. I do not deny that.
But it's no secret Zeleskyy was explicitely named in those Panama papers. Stop fellating on that guy just because he pretends to be a strong military leader and anti-politian and you find that hot. He's corrupt and just as bad as those Russian oligarchs you hate so much.

He is as corrupt as any Ukranian politician, pro-Russian, pro-western, doesn't matter. He *somehow* has 1.2 billion in offshore assets from his modest acting turned political career.