Did not care for it

Did not care for it.

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San francisco cock sucker detected

did not know this existed

Fuck you cocksucker

It was a lukewarm sendoff. Better that they had not made it than to have made an inferior ending for the series.

We are NOT huangdai.

the series ended with the town and main characters about to erupt in a war
then the movie takes place 20 years later or whatever and it's just glossed over, and all characters are still alive and have basically been in cryo-stasis since

haha I too make threads saying I didn't like shows that are universally loved.

Movie waa dogshit, show was kino

Are you retarded? Look at the fucking pic again, cocksucker.

Still better than the Sopranos movie.

Watching paint dry is better than any sopranos

I liked that Jane got to have a redemption

nick pizallato had to write for david milch because milchs mind is going sadly. the movie was fine, but kind of a rehash of the final scene
>hearst bad
>hearst kill beloved character
>get revenge on hearst
>use the best of dialouge

I don't know because I'll never see it. I've made that mistake once. Never again.

it was better than it had any right to be, for something done so late

>it was better than it had any right to be
What a moronic phrase

seems a common sentiment. might give it a shot sometime. as much as I love the show I'm still not convinced the movie is worth my time: I want to be but I'm just not.

>What a moronic phrase
it's an idiom that means considering the circumstances, it wasn't as bad as it could have been
but kys ESL

I gotta see how much juice this guy's got.

Cy would like a word

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no fucking way
deadwood movie was kind of corny, whereas the sopranos movie borders on outright bad