Why didn't vader just clone padme?

why didn't vader just clone padme?

Attached: padme-amidala[1].png (1000x637, 777.05K)

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Wouldn't actually be her

>a Woman is more than a wet hot pussy
Sure thing, fag

He was too stupid, didn't you hear him speak? Anakin is an idiot.

can vader still fuck?

Vader is dumb. With the resources he has, he can clone her then use dark side shit to bring her spirit into the clone.

There's a button on his chest plate that activates an erection.

If you want to go with that view, Vader's penis burned off and he has no need for Holes anymore

That would just be awkward you'd have to raise her from baby to adult

>The current Star Wars Erotica canon

Explain this

What happened to Padme's nieces? Do they grew up to be hot nabooans?

Haha yeah can you imagine? Who would ever want to do that, not me, yuck

He has a pussy not

They died in a fire

Wouldn't this break your vagina?

Attached: vagina.webm (852x480, 2.08M)

How do you break an orifice?

why didn't he clone himself too, then?

Force vagina


Attached: cunning skeleton.jpg (500x375, 94.97K)

t. Can't use the Force

Would she be Paadme or Padmee?

Attached: Luuke_skywalker.jpg (931x651, 216.74K)

She actually had body doubles.
Close enough. Why not just choke and fuck one of them with his cyborg dick?

More different puss experience


Paadme IMO but the other clone that uses the same naming convention is Joruus so who knows