Please recommend some lgtbqia+ films for me to watch

Please recommend some lgtbqia+ films for me to watch

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Paris is Burning. it's a 90s documentary about drag queens in NY, it's actually really good.

when will we see pride for pedosexuals?

ACK! The Movie

Anything Any Forums likes. The npcs on here will call any character they don't like a troon

The Silence of the Lambs

The Greatest Story Never Told

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Fuck that, June is for celebrating Juneteenth.

Watch home videos of yourself, if you want faggot content

>it's actually really good
fuck off faggot

i forgot what that is

happy fuck white people month, everyone!

Sorry if I'm able to appreciate kino regardless of its content. Keep crying about trannies, nigger

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I hate LGBT supremacy

>Being proud of being a degenerate freak of nature.

Do people actually?

You are not a victim, stop acting like one.

I am also looking forward to the juneteenth riots this year.

You guys ever think about how they gave blacks February which is the shortest and coldest month of the year ahah.

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we're all victims of the government


>currently being replaced globally with no advocacy groups allowed
yeah I'm thinking we're oppressed

The Bridge (2006)

funeral parade of roses

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if you have to watch something about homos, watch Velvet Goldmine (1998)
good cast, good music, and homosexuality is portrayed as being brought to earth by unknown beings, in the form of a green crystal-like substance. anyone who comes in contact with the green rock gets turned gay, and the characters spend the film poisoning each other with the substance with intent to manipulate or even to commit rape. i thought it was good

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>I'm able to appreciate kino regardless of its content
So you have no morals, cool

Dog Day Afternoon, early Al Pacino kino.

>Majority of population

Godzilla 2000

Dude you are on Any Forums.

Like I said we have no white racial advocacy group while every other race does

You have the whole conservative party and that's all they do.

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I do, I just don't let them dictate my thoughts.

No conservative party is pro white, republicans do nothing for white people

Some YouTube kino also, the whole thing is apparently free to watch on youtube

Tucker Carlson thinks different.

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Based TRS listener

Except make up a whole boogyman so school will stop teaching history where the white guy is the bad guy. They also villainized all POC for you.

>green rock

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Tucker Carlson is media personality, he has no power to change laws, etc. There are no pro white politicians and no pro white advocacy groups, we are oppressed

Why should white children be taught to hate themselves?

'What is a woman' by the Daily Wire.

i'll write some lesser known ones. No moonlights or brokeback mountains cause everyone knows that.

happy together
beau travail
the ornithologist
stranger by the lake
Paris 05:59: Théo & Hugo

Tucker Carlson is not a politician, and the only evidence that suggests he is pro-white is that he acknowledges that white people are becoming a minority and he doesn't celebrate it unlike lefties do.

Ask me how I know that you rocked up after 2016.

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hedwig and the angry inch is my fav

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Laws are already made in white people's favor. Plus you pretty much have advocacy groups like the proud boys. You already have all the rights the only thing a white advocacy group would try to do is stop rights for other people.

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