How the fuck did a fucking FAN FILM manage to do a better Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader fight than a multi-billion dollar...

How the fuck did a fucking FAN FILM manage to do a better Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader fight than a multi-billion dollar company like Disney?

The fight scene in episode 3 of the Obi-Wan show was complete garbage. Garbage soundtrack, garbage choreography, no weight to the encounter at all.

Fan film

Obi-Wan show

Attached: Star-Wars-A-New-Hope-Darth-Vader-vs-Obi-Wan-Kenobi-lightsaber-reimagined.jpg (1398x804, 134.64K)

>How the fuck did a fucking FAN FILM manage to do a better Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader fight than a multi-billion dollar company like Disney?
because the shit you're shilling is a reimagining of an already existing scene, autist

the sword play in the fan edit is 10x better than the show are you fucking kidding me

Because the Obi-wan show is propaganda. Not designed to be entertaining or good.

It's fucking embarrassing you moron. Something an edgy 13-year-old would think is so sick and tell all his dipshit friends about.

That was fucking shit as well and failed to get why both Obi Wan and Vader were using classical fencing rather than this overreactive choreography for ADD teenagers.
SW ended in 1983

This. Lacks soul. This was just kewl splosions and lightsaber swinging.

This is how Kenobi looks. A crappy fan film.

Because Obi Won hasn’t dueled anyone in 10 years and doesn’t have the same skill he had Episode 3 and Darth Vader is half machine. He can’t fight like he used too when he was Anakin. Both are nerfed due to age, disability, and loss of practice.

>Obi-Wan in rebels is confident and manages to easily kill Darth Maul
>Obi-Wan in ANH is confident and easily cuts off thugs hand at the cantina
>Obi-Wan in ANH confidently confronts vader and even has smug face before he throws the fight to Vader
>Obi-Wan in Obi-Wan show is cucked hard and has a perpetual scared look on his face and never uses his lightsaber.

They cucked him hard in his own fucking show

Attached: Star_Wars_Rebels_Season_3_“Mid-Season“_Trailer_13.jpg (1920x1080, 176.5K)

Holy fuck where to even start

> that editing
> that choreography
> vader putting out the fire with the force then forgetting he can do that a second later
> not force pulling obiwan through the flames
>obi wan needing to be saved by a stronk wamen

Fuck Disney
I hate everything about this

the fan film guys love it
the mouse hires are just there for a check

The Vader stuff is more kino than anything else Disney has produced.

Vader in rogue one was way better

The show is trying to mix the OT and PT styles of lightsaber fights. It would be retarded if they were doing spins and flips and shit.

WHOEVER defends the recent duel of vader and ben is EXACTLY the problem with hollywood now, you are very low level to please and have shit taste. You should be permabanned from posting in any movie if you say that ''fight'' was good.

Yes but he sounded like an old geezer.

the showrunners don't give a fuck about what the IP is or the characters that inhabit that universe.
that probably aren't all that familiar with the IP.

they use the IP as a vehicle to tell their stories and that's all. they demolish established fan favorite character to elevate their characters.
Luke was demolished to elevate Rey
Obi Wan is being demolished to elevate Leia, who isn't OT Leia but sequels flying through space Leia.
you know they're going to spin this flotsam off into a Leia tween series.

Because Kenobi in his own show is still upset and traumatized after Revenge of the Sith, obviously by the end of the show he'll believe again, probably after a pep talk from Quigon (disney wars loves its final episode cameos)

It actually didn't do it better.
The CGI is shit, and lots of the shots are disjointed fuzzy trash.

Both attempts are cringe

This is fucking terrible

he was confident in ROTS too shill

>lens flares
opinion disregarded