Are there any movies that take place in Norway?

Are there any movies that take place in Norway?

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>more jews shitting up european countries

Why can’t these assholes just fuck off to Israel and stay there?

>I have jewish grandparents
That’s all this bitch had to say

there's is a factoid about Norway that she isn't mentioned, yet it is hilariously related to a lot of things she is saying
>no ogling
>more professional work environment
>no violence
hmmmmm wonder why is that

fuck off, we're full

pray tell

I'm becoming more misogynistic day by day.

whites probably

>norway is even more cucked that US

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>there are more female physicians in Norway than male physicians
Norwaybros, is this true?

Dumb femoid, non of these benefits are free, you pay for all of them with your taxes.
Which isn't a bad thing per se, but calling them free gives people the wrong impression that every country can just hand them out without completely overhauling their taxation and spending systems.

this is good bait for a Any Forums rage thread

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>throws in the holocausts at the end
thank you for your remembrance

Everybody just needs to chill lol

Consider what makes norway a high trust society and america not

>be me, misogynistic chud
>have gf who comes from an extremely patriarchal culture, abuse towards women is normalized and she naturally defers to me even though she is more financially successful by far
is this what they call winning?

Norweigian crime thriller. I liked it. Also liked Nolan's version with Robin Williams and Al Pacino

As for OPs bait picture-
If anyone ever makes statements like these about scandi countries- point out to them that they are ridiculously undiverse and in Norways case very oil-rich. Very easy to have a functional society thats homogenous and rich and loaded with natural resources.

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