Does anyone actually have an excuse for why they hate this guy besides "muh Scientology"?

Does anyone actually have an excuse for why they hate this guy besides "muh Scientology"?

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I'm in love with Katie Holmes.
The Scientology tape though was ridiculous. Saying that because he was a Scientologist it means only he will stop to help people in road accidents. Great actor though. Kino filmography

he was cool until he cucked over the mask and china flu bullshit

scientology isn't even any weirder than the other religions. the katie holmes thing was weird but he's just an energetic guy, not sure why he was so excited about banging her when there were much hotter girls he could have gotten.

I don't blame him for not wanting to get his movie shut down. he wasn't screaming about how the virus was going to kill everyone, he was screaming that the only reason they're being allowed to film is because masks are being worn.

nobody likes manlets

only normies hate him
Any Forums loves him and always has, newfag

Only weirdos dislike Tom.

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he's a psycho cultist. That's more than enough to hate someone.

it would have been very easy to make the point that he didnt support the government mandates but had to follow them for the time being but he didnt even though i do understand thats exactly what was happening

the problem is that if you want people to treat you like youre white & blessed, then you have to be white & blessed

>Implying Hollywood isn't already a psycho cult by default

Probably the part where he's a raging asshole.

Never plays an actual character, he’s always just Mr. Cool Pants. EWS being the lone exception.

a cult of money and fame. That's far less retarded than believing in scientology.

its because he talented, rich, charismatic, and driven, But above all else its because he unreasonably handsome, you have to realize most of humanity is insect humans who are extremely jealous of the elite class, if he was ugly they could atleast see themselves in him and self insert as if it could be them in another life but the fact that he is the complete package makes the bugs seethe as they are truly forced to confront just how inferior and worthless they really are. This doesn't just happen with Tom either Justin Bieber is another example of this happening.

guy's kind of a dick, but he makes unmatchable kino so he gets a complete pass


It's at least not as whacky a sci-fi cult as Heaven's Gate, I'll give it that

>scientology isn't even any weirder than the other religions
>he's a member of a brainwashing /pyramid scheme/guilt cult but so are lots of other people
Not really an argument, but you do you. Also picrel

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>scientology isn't even any weirder than the other religions

from what i understand, scientology is an actual secret religion where more "truths" are explained with you the higher you get with only the top guy being fully in the know, meaning that everything under him could be fake bullshit about what they are really about

this does make them weirder than any big religion and basically classifies them as a cult no matter what

>EWS being the lone exception.

Nope, still Tom Cruise™

Jealousy. Also it's aesthetically compelling to have someone be high status and low status simultaneously.

>reddit park
you need to go back

He's actually not Jewish

He's a dying breed of movie stars. People pay to see him not the movie

I've been here since 2007, go back yourself newfag

>Justin Bieber is another example of this happening.
Exactly. I'm mostly missing the tendency toward jealousy, and never got why people hated Bieber. It was actually after Beebs acted more like a rapscallion that people calmed down. People see perfection and screech at it because it acts like a mirror where they can see their own self-perceived flaws.

He was a real fucking asshole to his underlings. I thought he was an ok guy before I heard that audio, but lost all respect for him. Same with Christian Bale, I'll always think of him as a piece of shit who can't keep his cool.

mission impossible sucks and he wont stop making more.
thats my only reason

He claimed that ADHD isn't real.
Which it isn't, but yeah.

It was some cringe viral marketing shit you gen z turds are too naive to even realize

Maybe because he seems fucking unhinged IRL?

He’s a total douche. Kubrick was based for fucking with him