Can she do comedy?

Can she do comedy?

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no woman can

she can laugh at my micropenis.

She's perfect for boob humor.

Too ___, too ___.

That's exactly what I was thinking
Imagine a sexy comedy with her

cutting of her tits was pretty funny

imagine the cheese


She was funny on Firefly.

Funny how

No, she can only be human garbage.
Ugly, fat


I don't even get the question. "Funny how?" Are you asking if she did improv or wrote her own jokes or something? She was funny the same way the rest of the cast was: by playing her character well with clever writing and funny situations.

It was just a dumb Goodfellas reference user kek

Only with her horrible feet. They’re hilarious.

I have never seen that film so wooosh.

What's great is that this guy got just about as triggered as Joe Pesci did kek

Look at this image and tell me she doesn't have a sense of humor

Attached: mog.jpg (1600x1259, 488.48K)

Everyone was funny in Another Period seasons 1 and 2. But then season 3 came…

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So titty mogging is a thing in real life too and not just in movies