It's so bad

it's so bad

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It's good
You are gay and stupid retard bitch bastard fuck

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I wouldn't say that, but it's not very good either. Seriously question the intelligence of anyone who says it's kino.

Bell curve.

>movie looks and sounds great
>Any Forums watches camrips and 720p torrents, complains about plotholes or other nitpicks
I share this board with these people. Maybe I should just leave them to it

It's not bad, but it's too slow and seems like nothing happens. I heard there is a director cut somewhere, I hope there is more Dafoe kino in there.

Also don't show your actress butt if she has none ffs.

Best movie of 2022.

This shit sucks. Anyone who wants to watch a drama about CHESS of all fucking things should probably give up on life, watch Fight Club (1999).

still havent been able to get throught it
think ive given up
eggars sucks, lighthouse was a fluke carried by the actors

yeah bro what this movie really needed was to be longer.

do people who like this defend the
>le theatrical acting and directing with everything forced into one shot happening in perfect sequence
gimmick? it's just tacky and shit and this movie is terrible tbqh

Care to elaborate?

exactly. you're just impressed by production values. no difference between you and marveldrones.

Don't talk about my wife like that "buddy".

its kino if you're a furry
great to learn ancestors were furriest too

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What are you impressed by, my midwitted friend? Let me guess, nothing.

>The Northman good even tho it features white people breeding

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what the fuck? I think she has a pretty nice ass. Are you black?

>user doesn’t know the difference between production value and mise en scene

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Nah, it's pretty good. Nothing ground breaking tho.

what's good about it?

It has some good scenes in there. I like how the revenge ark made it so he had the become the thing he hated to get revenge.

Yeah I'm curious, too. Not looking for an essay just some thoughts. I don't have a lot of time to waste watching Any Forums anymore.