/lang/ - Language Learning General

New Mexico edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

[UPDATED] Totally not a virus but rather lots of free books on languages:
Newer version: mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw
Older version: mega.nz/#F!x4VG3DRL!lqecF4q2ywojGLE0O8cu4A

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this Pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrentz with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki.
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Diné bizaad (Navajo)
>What language should I learn?
Shiwi'ma (Zuni)

Old thread: Old challenge:

Attached: New Mexico.jpg (323x311, 18.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: apu coffee.png (638x516, 357.43K)

I have to clue.
When did she leave?
I remember that.
You should do it now.
Perhaps you are right.
Well done.

Don't forget your keys like you did last time.
Speaking of which, where is he actually?
Every time I bring an umbrella it doesn't rain. Screw the weather forecast.

Write about something funny that recently happened to you.

I saw a /lang/guisher in the wild today at a book store. That maggoty-ass faggot asked the clerk for Tagalog resources with such a faggoty voice that would make my sister sound like a baritone; he was wearing skinny jeans.

>I have to clue.

>I have no clue

Holy shit that was me


Shit is not holy.

have sex (together)

Posting old challenge, hoping for feedback?!

Old challenge: #

> Easy
Je mange pas de viande.
Elle a fait de la soupe aux légumes.
Tu préfères le riz ou les pommes de terre?

Il n’y a pas seulement un, mais deux restaurants végans dans cette ville.
Je voulais achéter des chaussures de cuir faux, mais elles étaient trop chères..
Malgré l’importance de la viande à l’égard de l’économie brésilien, le Brésil a un très gros nombre de végétariens et de végans.

Les Jaïnes sont probablement le groupe culturel le plus ancien qui a une mode de vie qui rassemble au véganisme, même s’ils mangent des produits laitiers sous de certains circonstances.
Le grand poète arabe al-Maʿarrī, qui était né il y a plus qu’un mille d’ans, a recommandé le véganisme tout ensemble avec d’autres points de vue bien controversiels comme l’irreligion et l’antinatalisme.
Le véganisme très sévère est rare en Éthiope, Mai’s l’Eglise Orthodoxe de l’Éthiope requit de plusieurs jours de jeun, où aucuns produits d’animaux ne peuvent être mangés, pendant l’année. Du coup, la cuisine éthiopienne est remplie de plats végans.


I have to clue.
When did she leave?
I remember that.
You should do it now.
Perhaps you are right.
Well done.

You will wake up tomorrow having lost all current language knowledge, replaced by the following of your choice:

ONE language at native-level

UP TO 5 languages at B2/C1 level

Each will require that you actually use it, so ~15-30 minutes every day per language or you can't choose it, as you'd lose fluency and Language Genie isn't wasting his precious magic on you

Attached: 1659791367184.jpg (1080x1536, 160.74K)

I don't need your genie magicks, I can do it on my own

Imagine the Linguistic Olympics.
Hundred teams of two monolingual wingmen who speak unrelated languages have to compete in the Hunger Games to communicate the best and beat the rest in order to gain a language scholarship.

Attached: Sproke.gif (480x480, 3.76M)

I am learning Russian. Learning using multiple sources. I am not understanding the ⟨ь⟩, ⟨ъ) thing and also how to differentiate when a letter sounds different.
Can someone give me a good source that explains it that I can rip-off the sound of and then Ankify it?

Could an Italian check my pronunciation (mainly prosody)?

Don't have any resources, but can try to explain in short. Ь (мягкий знaк, soft sign) changes the sound of the consonant before it, making it what we call 'softer'. Exceptions are Ж,Ш,Ч,Щ (шипящиe, hushing sounds) which already sound kinda 'soft' so they don't change. Ъ doesn't affect the previous consonant, it's a very rare letter that only appears after the prefix of the word. If Ь or Ъ are followed by the vowel, they change its sound as well, acting as 'y' before the vowel in English (both add a 'j' sound before the next vowel's sound).

whats your words per minute for reading in your target language

> You will wake up tomorrow having lost all current language knowledge, replaced by the following of your choice:
> ONE language at native-level
So... most people here start out as knowing at least their netive language plus English, and they end up as monolingual? That's a shit deal.

What's the deal with pre revolutionary Russian using the hard sign in places not even necessary like in pic related

Attached: s_3eBivPxYU.jpg (402x604, 118.53K)