Why does the West hate China so much? China has done more for our cunts than the West has. The West bomb us...

Why does the West hate China so much? China has done more for our cunts than the West has. The West bomb us, fund rebels groups to overthrow our elected leaders, steal our resources and kill us. China has built hospitals, schools, roads etc for us

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China is trying to change the existing world order by overtaking us as the dominant world power and nobody likes change that doesn't directly benefit then

Based Ortega, Usanians are trying to sabotage a train project in yucatan simply because there are some chinese companies involved in minor logistics, in this case the evil empire is saying >MUH TREES and using greenpeace and other shills to stop the building, all of this is very funny considering how no environmentalist ever said something about the american hotels that obliterated mangrove and rainforest in past decades.

Also remember the banana republics and the syphilis experiments on guatemalans the great satan did

they are helping us unlike you. You destroy us and kill us. Literally, we do nothing yet you destabilize our cunts. China is going to overtake you because we won't forget what they've done for us and we will take their side on every issue

this. FUCK Usanians and the WEST.

Part fear that China, if given the upper hand, will force their own values on us like we have the rest of the world, and the other part is simply a lack of understanding between two vastly different cultures/government forms.

Still think China's nationalist posturing is cringe as fuck

>China has done more for our cunts than the West has.

Ortega backs our separatists and he's been in power for a whopping 26 years, as far as I'm concerned, he's cringe.

>What harm has China done to the US
Flood it with fentanyl and heroin
Cyber attacks stealing IP and ransomware on critical infrastructure like hospitals
Threaten key trading routes to Asia
Threaten to overthrow the rules-based global system which was developed following world war II
Covert support for fifth column elements like the Confucius Institute to undermine American academia
Covert support to Latin American cartels via CCP-linked Triads to import drugs into the US

Man I just don't want to live in a world where we have to do what Chinese internet nationalists tell us to do is all.
To that end I hope China's rise is stunted until their culture because less shit to put up with. There's already one giant filled with shitty people in the world. Don't need another.

You're delusional

man this leech on my arm is annoying it's sucking out all my blood, let me ask this hungry tiger to get it off for me

>You're delusional
>man this leech on my arm is annoying it's sucking out all my blood, let me ask this hungry tiger to get it off for me

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>we will take their side on every issue
I'm sure that'll mean alot to them when you're digging their coal for pennies on the dollar. Exploitation is the nature of things, and the bugs are experts at exploitation

It's as cringe as the US's

Cultures are different, true. But that's not a real issue unless you live together.

He says, like the US never did that

It is
And culture does matter in diplomacy. China's posturing tendency comes greatly from their culture for example, and I doubt the average US politician even knows how the Politburo works.

Thidies don't seem to understand that China only values China. The minute China takes over and the US falls, you're all going to get massacred and abused. You're brown, the Chinese see you as subhuman.

They are not your friends, they don't do anything out of kindness, it's all for money and resources.

I doubt the average US politician knows anything from outside the US.

Where did I imply the US never did that? Exchanging one master for another is the most plebian thing imaginable.

You'd be surprised. The upper echelon all come from some of the best educational institutes in the world. Not that it makes much of a difference to the average joe

Deranged, paranoid settler projection. The bugman offspring of the white settler lives in eternal fear that his caste will one day be treated as subhumans, as his ancestors did to the entire world.

>I doubt the average US politician even knows how the Politburo works
Politicians are just figureheads, they all have an army of advisors and experts who tell them what to do
Even if the president changes, there's a foreign policy guy working in DC who's studied China his entire life telling them all the strategy

China would've won hearts & minds in Africa, SEAsia, and Latin America if their people didn't have turboracist bumfuck redneck peasant mentality that they're still the "Middle Kingdom."

and the west isn't doing that with palestine and mena overall?

>The minute China takes over and the US falls, you're all going to get massacred and abused.
Nah that won't happen, if only because then they can't be exploited.

The US directly backs like half the countries in the middle east. Not even covertly, but openly as allies.

They can't stop, they will cling to their "5000 years of history, one continuous civilization" shit until the end of time.

Chinese hate other Chinese that aren't Han and even hate half Chinese HAPAS. They hate blacks and Uighurs so why would they suddenly love brownoid thirdies for South America and treat them as equals?

We had a US ambassador here, who believed we just euthanised all old people involuntarily and we have no-go zones.
Didn't even think people here were pro Clinton during the 2016 US elections, while living here, being the US ambassador in the Netherlands.

That's how much they know from outside of the US.

They hate it because it's independent and not under the west's control