>Drinking shitty water

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Other urls found in this thread:

eenews.net/articles/high-levels-of-forever-chemicals-found-near-military-bases/#:~:text=Hazardous levels of so-called,the Department of Defense's control.

hungary tap water is safe to consume
kill yourself nigger

>Paying Mr. Golberg for a vital resource
For drink and coocking I take water from spring.

At least our water doesn't turn us into femboys

My family drink water from a holy spring

Honestly I prefer the shit water instead of the estrogen infested water you guys have.

Don't be retarded, Jefferson.

Fake news. Water in my county has unsafe levels of PFAs.

Here it dependes the region. Athens is safe, but Crete, where i live, isnt.

What's wrong with the water on Crete?

I was in Hungary, and drank the tap water. Am I gonna be okay?

There is no safe to drink water anywhere. There's a chemical called Forever Chemical TM, its a national crisis in America because the filters aren't designed for military research chemicals. True story. And all of you know none the better because the CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theory.

And yes, those chemicals seep into the ground and running water networks.Military bases just drop entire barrels of the shit into the ground.

And if you live near a military base, even worse eenews.net/articles/high-levels-of-forever-chemicals-found-near-military-bases/#:~:text=Hazardous levels of so-called,the Department of Defense's control.

In California you can drink tap water but it tastes bad so most people buy water anyways.


Came to post this. Lots of newfags on Any Forums.

No you cannot. In california the water is riddled with PFAs. You are full of shit.

I drank it and survived.

In Florida you can drink the tap water, but it tastes like hotel swimming pool water.

youll survive with complications that make you rely on healthcare