Japanese Prefecture

Japanese Prefecture

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51nd state

Correct, ppl keep saying it's CCP clay but it actually belongs to Nipon

Japanese prefectures have cool flags, this one doesn't really look that cool.

Not country


I'm white, are you?

Not human
Squid man

I hope Kim turns seoul to a sea of fire retard


>Japanese Prefecture
Then why don't they speak Japanese?

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I'll take that as a no

I met an old taiwanese man who was good at speaking japanese

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A lot of old people speak japanese cause they experienced japanese occupation
I actually got to talk to one who ran a tea shop and he absolutely the japanese.

Taiwan is an independent country and it shall remain as such. Ganbare, Taiwan. kek

South Corea and North Korea were once Japanese. Be empathetic, retard.

Japanese Slaves
Pathetic loser
Not even a country
You are just chink

That's what I've been saying

he absolutely what?

Japanese made you guys not backwards

>A lot of old people speak japanese cause they experienced japanese occupation
But it's the younger generations calling Taiwan a Japanese colony.
