Italy's communist party is experiencing a resurgence in popularity

Italy's communist party is experiencing a resurgence in popularity.

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Doesn't matter. "Communist" parties in western countries are watered down to the point of being socdems with some edgier branding


more nigerians for them then R.I.P.

at the same time italian fascist party is also making a come back
liberal democracy is over

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italians are retarded and useless as fuck

Yeah from 1.1% to 1.2%

I support my local Hoxhaist party.
yes, those are Stalin and Hoxha

lol what
It's not a fascist party, but it's far right

Italians are the only good communists though

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Pretty much. Even the DSA is to the left of the so-called CPUSA

Bullshit no offence

no cap

funny looking man

What are you talking about? If anything we're shifting right.
The centre-right coalition is now de facto a right coalition and the centre-left coalition is de facto a centre coalition.
The 5 star movement is trying to become the new left.

kys faggot

is she actually pro-west or le pen tier r*ssoid?

Nope, this is the current situation in the polls.
FDI = far right, supposedly pro-USA. Leader: Meloni
PD = centre-left moderates. Leader: Letta
Lega = right-wing populism, used to be pro-Russia. Leader: Salvini
M5S = left, populist. Leader: Conte
FI = centre-right moderates. Leader: Berlusconi
Azione = centrist. Leader: Calenda
Verdi/SI = greens, leftists. Leader: no idea because they're irrelevant.

The others wouldn't make it to the Parliament with these numbers.

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Damn Berlusconi is this around

I think his government was the best we’ve had during the second republic. Go ahead, lynch me, idgaf.

I don't disagree, Renzi was good until he lost the referendum. Then he went full narcissistic.

All Euro populist parties are in Russian pockets. No one else will fund them after all.

whats the "second republic" in italy?

Here its First Republic(1919-1934/38), Second Republic(1945/55-present)

Post-1994 (after Mani Pulite).
De jure is the same republic, we just use it to indicate a new political phase.

it's a weird situation. she pro-USA despite being anti-EU, she has ties to the Republican party and several right-wing US think tanks. so, while she's far right, she's not like Le Pen.

"Second republic" is a journalistic term used to describe the new political situation after the Mani Pulite investigation (1994 - today). Nearly all parties had collapsed in the span of a few years. Silvio Berlusconi emerged from this chaos.
It doesn't designate a major constitutional change, like in France.