Polish thread

>polish thread
>Hungarian thread
>balkanoid generals
>the long dead and forgotten v4 threads
And yet
>no czech + slovak thread in the catalogue
Does this happen in your Any Forums in your country?

Attached: omin.png (1160x798, 126.75K)

dude no one cares. slovakia is a shithole just like czechia

the only thing of value your country brings is your hot slutty pornstars and prostitutes

Attached: euro_stats.jpg (1221x773, 108.58K)

>the long dead and forgotten v4 threads
why aren't you having those anymore?

Well you would need a Frenchman to create it for you.

I get it :)

Czechs and Slovaks be like


fake people and fake people created by the French


it's a joke refering to the fact that in the aftermath of the First World War members of the Entente (among them and perhaps most crucially France) created a bunch of new state bodies including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania etc. in order to curtail German power in Central Eastern Europe

met a slovakian here in norway, he was supershort
he got very agitated when i asked if slovakia was in the balkans

Activity fizzled out, people kept leaving until it was pointless to keep making the threads since nobody engaged with them, part of the problem is the aforementioned split base, since poles and Huns go to their own threads

185 cm is NOT supershort

You not knowing basic geography is more agitating

yeah, i can agree with that
i think he was more like 165, a nice guy though

yeah imagine that

>created a bunch of new state bodies including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania etc. in order to curtail German power in Central Eastern Europe
they should have created more

based on the quality of the hungarian thread you dont miss much

More like american created them.
14 points by american president Woodraw Wilson

we should create an /ex-habs/ thread for all countries whose territories were once in the Austro-Hungarian Empire

lol you can't blame him. you're all shithole countries with tons of pornstars and prostitutes. it's hard to tell you motherfuckers apart.

literally every western guy i know only goes to romania, slovakia and other eastern shitholes just for the easy sluts

you are such a fucking nigger that you cant even hide it on an anonymous imageboard

Just wanted to make a thread why isn't there a czsk general
Shall we start one tomorrow? I am asking seriously

are you the same Hungarian I was arguing with yesterday lmao?

fuck you you cocksucker. Your country has the most pornstars per capita and most of them love getting fucked in the ass by huge black cocks. I bet your racist asshole prime minister loves watching that too

Most of us would end up in /rus/ lol

>muh dick
whats next are you gonna post your sneakers or tell me you grew up without a father? subhuman nigger faggot

Are you dumb mutty?
Usa has the biggest porn and sex industry in the world

a lot of our pornstars are from foreign countries (latin america, asia, eastern europe/balkans, etc.)

also, learn what it means to have the most pornstars per capita dumbfuck. no wonder your shithole country can only produce pornstars and prostitutes.

having a large porn industry doesn't mean much. Germany and France have the largest porn industries in Europe but it doesn't change the fact that most of the women working there are from eastern europe lmao