Did Josh Luna depict your country?

Did Josh Luna depict your country?

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what is this nonsense? Even the horse is evil and nigg has horns? Also I hope that's not Ghengis.

very magnificent-looking finnish warrior


I don't know if this counts.

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We are the most evil people to ever live
t. Everyone else on earth
How could you be so evil Ricardo...?

muh ancestors

I wish :(


I dont get it.

also he fucked up the horse's torso, rib cage does not go all the way to the pelvis. Hind leg is also garbage, with the main mass of the thigh being reduced to some abominable muscle bulge not ending with a proper knee.

I don't think so

Gallego detectado

No es rubio, le ennegreció el pelo y todo.

I see we’ve got a horse expert here. But seriously, I guess that horse does look worse the more you look at it.

Somehow i dont think he sees many horses in downtown LA

I don't think so

It just went to light brown/dark blonde. Still an Irish rapebaby. MICKED

the first panel of this comic I guess.

spanish colonization of philippines probably

i'll add my 5 cents and say that no nomad will put a quiver on their back like that

Los irlandeses vienen de la península ibérica, no al revés.

Estás muy confundido si crees que no hay rubios en el resto del país de todos modos.

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Yeah always saddle quiver

Spaniards didn't teach Spanish nor educate indios when they were here. Academic pursuits only came 300 years later, when all of Mexico and South America revolted one by one and the plantation overseers suddenly went from criollos to indios. The families of these overseers were taught Spanish so they can converse and interact with actual spics and it eventually gave passage to their children being educated abroad for their services. These children eventually became leaders of the revolution and were instrumental to our short lived independence.

Josh, like every Fil-Am are quite ignorant and know nothing of actual Philippine history.

What does he have against mongols? I thought he only hated whitey