Haven't Iraqis suffered enough?

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Why are they so lazy?

iraqi boys...

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Northern hemispheric nations need to take one for global warming and accommodate MENA migrants

Hot climates create lazy people and cultures

What's up with these crazy temperatures? Here in Brazil it never hits 40C even in the hottest regions, but it routinely gets to 50C range in the rest of the world.

Nah, die in silence please.

wtf do you think we're doing...

We are full. Try Somalia.

just work from home bro
also we making clothes that chill you in sunlight 10-15 degrees sub ambient

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It's kinda crazy how white Arabs are. Last week I met a blond green eyed man from Afghanistan that looked European.

>It's kinda crazy how white Arabs are
Proper Arabs are brown. In that pic they look like Assyrians. Most likely the 'arabs' you see are just indigenous peoples that were arabized
>I met a blond green eyed man from Afghanistan that looked European.
Afghanistan's isolation means a lot of populations survive with little intermixing, they are Aryans afterall

Higher latitude fags will never understand true svffering. They can just layer on a couple of comfy, stylish jackets and enjoy ideal temperatures for the lungs. Meanwhile, here you either cover up to avoid the sun and sweat like a motherfucker, or wear a t-shirt and burn to a crisp.
It'll only get worse with climate change, too.
Israel always standing for the Middle Eastern man. Thanks for sharing, pp.

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not enough

I hope a group of Katangan and Albanian gentlemen culturally enriches your orifices


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Maybe it's that global warming thing that scientists have been warning about for decades.

No that's not true, uuhh because my feelings tell me scientists are wrong and I'm right!!!

why do they dress like this and have this haircut

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They're a pseudohomosexual lower-class subculture known as Atwanis in Iraq. They frequent weddings, public parties, and the like.

cause of all the crusades and shit you got mena looking southern europeans and menas with light hair and colored eyes in some places

i'm just glad they're happy
Iraqis have gone through so much its unreal

It's 32 degrees now and I'm already fucking dying. Couldn't imagine living there.

i now remembered that we invaded them for some reason together with america

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>yeah let's build civilization here

>cause of all the crusades and shit

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Why not southern hemisphere tho?