I am part Italian mutt and I wish I could dress like this all the time

I am part Italian mutt and I wish I could dress like this all the time.

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looks like shit lol

Rare moment where the girl is based guy is cringe.
Men have no clue how to dress these days and it's fucking embarrassing when I'm the only person I see all day wearing slacks.

>clean and iron a shirt every single day for no reason

you are cringe.

the guy is probably fat

*tips fedora*

Dressing in formal clothing 24/7 is ass if you don't have income to have a varied wardrobe and having to clean+maintain them which requires your time and/or money to do so.


you're testing my patience

Post fit

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i want to wear cool clothes but
>scared of looking like the fedora guy
>people will think im gay
>friends will bully me

Lmao shut the fuck up you embarrassing nerd you have no idea how to dress if you think purposely wearing a vest without a jacket is cool and not in any way affected

You’re singly because you’re ugly and socially retarded btw

Mental that those shoes are like $600 and people still buy rick

How old are you? You reach an age where you realize nobody else actually cares about anything you do eventually (usually around 21 or so)

t. used to dress boring then weird then back to boring

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i am buying nicer clothes, but i'm subtle about it

I hate how dressing good is frowned upon.

>the guy is the typical fat bearded dude with a snapback

Those clothes are obviously not for him when his archytpe is of a manchild

Needs more colour, probably some grey or beige

Wearing a vest isn't special.