/lang/ - Language Learning General

Guatemala edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

[UPDATED] Totally not a virus but rather lots of free books on languages:
Newer version: mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw
Older version: mega.nz/#F!x4VG3DRL!lqecF4q2ywojGLE0O8cu4A

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this Pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrentz with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon's list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki.
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread: Old challenge:

Attached: Languages of Guatemala.png (1200x1200, 310.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


New challenge: vegan edition.

I don't eat meat.
She made vegetable soup.
Do you prefer rice or potatoes?

There are not one, but two vegan restaurants in this city.
I wanted to buy shoes made of fake leather, but they were too expensive.
Despite the importance of meat to the Brazilian economy, Brazil has a very large number of vegetarians and vegans.

Jains are probably the oldest cultural group with a lifestyle close to veganism, though they do consume dairy under some circumstances.
The great Arab poet al-Maʿarrī, who was born over one thousand years ago, espoused veganism, along with other controversial views such as irreligion and anti-natalism.
Strict veganism is very uncommon in Ethiopia, but the Ethiopian Orthodox Church mandates several days of fasting, in which no animal products can be consumed, throughout the year; as a result, Ethiopian cuisine is rich in vegan dishes.

Attached: vegan.png (1280x1280, 58.76K)

The challenges are getting cringier as time goes on.

Be the change you wanna see in the world.

>Not this one. He's not sure whether or will survive or not.
Well, in English it would be "It's hard to tell whether he will survive or not". The guy doing struggling to survive is not the subject making this assessment here.

Superlative of groß. I wouldn't have said anything if it was just the umlaut missing (although you did include the Esszett ... did you set your keyboard to use the German layout?). And yeah, I never really thought about it but 'lassen' does seem to be used in quite a number of different ways.

Nevermind the "doing", I forgot to delete that when I changed my mind and went against writing "The guy doing the surviving (or not)".

guys i wanted to learn french where do i start ?

Ich esse kein Fleisch
Sie hat Gemüsesuppe gemacht.
Bevorzugst du Reis oder Kartoffeln?

Es gibt nicht nur eins, sondern zwei vegane Restaurants in dieser Städt.
Ich wollte Schuhe mit falschem Leder kaufen, aber sie waren zu teuer.
Trotz der Wichtigkeit des Fleisches für die brasilianische Wirtschaft hat Brasil eine Menge von Vegetariern und Veganern.

Jains sind wahrscheinlich die älteste kulturelle Gruppe, die ein Leben nahe am Veganismus führen, aber sie konsumieren unter bestimmten Umständen Molkerei.
Der größte arabische Dichter, al-Maʿarrī, der vor 1000. Jahren geboren wurde, befürwortete den Veganismus zusammen mit anderen umstrittenen Ansichten wie Irreligiosität und Antinatalismus.
Strenger Veganismus ist sehr ungewöhnlich in Äthiopien, aber die äthiopische orthodoxe Kirche schreibt mehrere Fastentage im Jahr vor, indem keine Tierprodukte konsumiert werden dürfen. Als Konsequenz ist äthiopische Küche sehr reich an veganen Gerichten.

>The guy doing struggling to survive is not the subject making this assessment here
You're right.

>guys i wanted to learn french
What changed?

>tried to learn Japanese for 4 months then stopped
>entertained Russian but only got as far as remembering Cyrillic
>entertained Koine Greek
>Got obsessed with Norway for a week then got so sick of it thinking of Scandinavia made me almost puke
>rebound to Icelandic but have it on the back burner
>Now considering French

Attached: 1659625332107593.jpg (1000x750, 136.77K)

nothing really i just misspelled i still want to learn it but i have no ideia where to start

You have commitment issues, buddy.

Just learn Cornish like all the other Americans

Use LingQ, watch Easy French on YouTube, maybe buy some of those dual translation books (or find them on the internet), watch videos on how some people did it, etc.

i never heard of lingQ, i'm gonna check it out

Look up a great man named Steve Kaufmann on YouTube (creator of LingQ). He's a Canadian polyglot that knows French.

You’re right on point. French media seem lesser and not interesting as much like the English media on the internet.
I know this sound negative but in my opinion, when you understand English, you pretty much know everything there is to know about the world.
I’m still going to learn french and maybe a few other languages now and then.

As far as I can tell, I'm the only one studying Cornish.

Attached: cornish_books.jpg (2048x1536, 321.54K)

Kiinasta tulee maailman taloudellinen suurvalta ja islamuskosta maailman hallitseva uskonto.
الصين ستصبح قوة كبيرة اقتصادية العالم والإسلام سيصبح أكبر دين

Attached: be621ddc-ba0c-4b99-967f-2cb46d50e2a5_16x9_1200x676.png (1200x674, 554.77K)


I'm really thinking French is the one—it's relatively easy, has a ton of great /lit/erature, doesn't sound half bad, could actually improve my English vocabulary, and my paternal Grandparents come from French-speaking Switzerland.

Attached: 220px-L.-F._Céline_c_Meurisse_1932.jpg (220x299, 16.46K)

How much do you actually enjoy learning your language?

>actually doing this shitty challenge

Fun little game: "baka" works in German, too. Can you figure out what it would stand for there without using a dictionary?

>Es gibt nicht nur eins, sondern zwei vegane Restaurants in dieser Städt.
*ein *Stadt
Don't ask me why though since saying 'Es gibt nicht nur eins' by itself in reference to a restaurant would be right. Something about bringing in 'zwei' into the equation changes this. Very pedantic correction either way. Oh and it gets weirder since if you include "restaurant" it would be 'Es gibt nicht nur ein Restaurant'. Maybe because in the standalone sentence it's not actually 'eins' ("the number one") as in the mathematical number here but the colloquial contraction of 'eines' ("one thing"). Typing this out made me realize that in English "one" is filling these different roles by itself without being changed like 'eins' (the number one), 'ein' (the indefinite article "a"), 'eines' (one thing) and so on. It even doubles as a pronoun (what would be 'man' in German). Wacky.

>Ich wollte Schuhe mit falschem Leder kaufen, aber sie waren zu teuer.
It would usually be 'aus' instead of 'mit' unless the false leather was only a small component of the whole thing.

>Trotz der Wichtigkeit des Fleisches für die brasilianische Wirtschaft hat Brasil eine Menge von Vegetariern und Veganern.
*Brasilien (same ending as Ital-ien, Moldaw-ien, Span-ien and so on)
Alternative to 'Wichtigkeit' here: 'Bedeutung'. And if you wanna be more faithful to original you can say 'eine große Anzahl an/von' although 'eine Menge' works well enough. Also, I googled the 'an/von' distinction since I couldn't tell you when to you use which and found this:


I do.

Reread the question.

I enjoy it a lot.

Have any pochos here managed to learn to speak actually good Spanish?

Attached: apu just.jpg (840x645, 171.95K)