Americans drive to go jogging?

pls explain

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My first unit's barracks were half a mile from where we did PT and everyone still drove there lol

jogging and running is done most often at running tracks. sometimes in parks, savvy people may also jog inside shopping malls with AC. actual travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities

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How can travelling by foot be illegal wth it's literally natural

>actual travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities.

At this point i don't know if you're joking or being completely serious. Walking is a human right.

>actual travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities

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cannibalism is also natural. not an argument
pedestriansm obstructs traffic, and on streets without sidewalks is willfully endangering yourself and drivers

This better be a joke

Walking as a form of transportation is seen as something only the deranged or poor do in the US. You will actually see people in the US drive to their mailbox instead of walk to it.

Yeah, these thirdies will never know the pain. I got arrested at 15 because I was walking back from school and accidentally walked through a pedestrian free municipality.

Where? bc I was the same and people also drove. But it's because on the way back you're fucking dead and I wasn't going to walk 15 feet, let alone half a mile.

Why would you have a neighborhood without sidewalks?
Also Americans literally don't suffer I'd love in any American ghetto and get food stamps and a house with 3 bedrooms

>and is illegal in some municipalities

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I like to go to a park. Don't you like scenic runs?

completely serious. and it's not a human right. it is illegal to walk along any interstate highway, and there are many municipalities in Florida and California where you may only walk on sidewalks. this is safer for pedestrians and drivers.

The park is 2km from my house, i run through it during my run. I cant imagine driving anywhere to go for a run lmao.

>savvy people may also jog inside shopping malls with AC

Rape security. Go to Dallas Texas Plano.
Fucking redstates are so bad haha. It the rich area of Dallas, they keep banning walk at certain times and places to keep the homeless out and rape by methheads down. The homeless there generally driven insane by heat and hunger so it's meth and rape time. Also rich people kept getting fucked up and hitting random joggers. Also look up affuenza. Texas is pretty much Anarcho capitalism now. You have to use private roads, private school, private healthcare, private police the public systems have failed. They are starting to do private fire departments in Texas now the public one is corrupt and gone to shit.

>illegal in some municipalities

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why would you build a sidewalk when everyone owns a car?

>pedestrian free municipality
do they really?

Because never walking leads to poor cardiovascular health, lower quality of life and people dying much earlier than they need to. Its also a big strain on your already flawed healthcare system.

>travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities

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>actual travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities
>Americans are not FREE to travel by foot

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because walking is nice?

bullshit pseudoscience, cardiovascular health is solely dietary and genetic factors


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We walk in parks and on tracks, not on the fucking roads. We built the roads for cars, not for you to shit all over them. There's plenty of places to walk, just not where you endanger yourself and others by obstructing the cars.

hahaha do they really

shut your fat fucking face nigger, dont reply to me

i would too if my neighborhood looked like this

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>pedestrian free municipality
are you fucking with us?

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Yes we have side walks for walking and street for cars and bikes.
You are not allowed to jog down the middle of road. That's.. literally insane. Where can you just run down streets.. why not use side walks..

>Oh my goodness I had no idea America was a dangerous place with bad infrastructure! Not walkable at all, so unlike my crime free and well designed European city

americans are unironically sick in the head

Americans are insane

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it's to protect people from themselves. heatstroke is no joke.

How do I learn to farm (You)s like this guy

Everyone uses sidewalks, the difference is that every road has a sidewalk here whereas in the US its not guaranteed. Literally not a single eurofag in this thread means you should walk on a car road, they just cant imagine roads without sidewalks and thus are confused that people cant walk to certain places.

Emma has two moms

>actual travel by foot can be very dangerous, and is illegal in some municipalities
I thought it was just a meme

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>Circuit City
Better times...

>and is illegal in some municipalities
What the actual fuck. How in the Lord's name did the USA ever become economically successful
And why are these retards ruling over us

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say something that falls within the stereotypes and sounds plausible. the claim should also be difficult to verify on google. like this:

in some US States doctors can be fined and potentially lose their medical license if they do not perform a circumcision for every birth that takes place in their place of work.

the land of freedom

On second thought I don't think pedestrian free municipalities are a real thing

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that's too far-fetched. it should be
in many US States doctors can be fined and potentially lose their medical license if they do not perform a circumcision at a birthing parent's request

This entire thread is a meme. Every American is fucking with you thirdies, so I'll just be your knight in shining armor and tell you the truth. It is never illegal to jog on the sidewalks. However, almost nobody does it. You might see an odd weird rich old white couple doing it in safe neighborhoods, but jogs are mostly in parks, tracks or somewhere where it is scenic and enjoyable to jog. Also, there's a lot of parks. I mean a lot. There are some areas that don't have a sidewalk (which I assume what the others are referring to), but those areas don't have one because it would be stupid to put one there. Nobody would ever use it. America has long tracts of road that are not near residential areas, so those roads won't have a sidewalk, because nobody would ever walk there, and of course if you end up walking on the road there, that is illegal. You guys just miss the fact that America's infrastructure is different, so residential areas are in one area, the hospitals in another, shopping malls in another, and between them is a lot of nothingness, trees and roads. Those roads won't have anybody walking because nobody lies close to them, and to get from one area to another, you cannot walk because it is far away. So sidewalks are not needed. America is simply way less dense than you think. You look at new york and think cities are like that, but mostly, there's not a lot of people, unlike European cities.

Some of you ameriflags are really convincing, sometimes I just play along but this time you got me for real, unfortunately there's aways ones who get carried on and make it sound too obvious, y'all had me until the driving to the mailbox thing.

>why yes i jog in a shopping mall what gave it away

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>The walker
Ah the famous american banter

No. That actually is true. I was being 100% serious about that. I've literally seen it before. The no pedestrians municipalities is false but not the mailbox thing.

>He thinks people don't drive to mailboxes

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Based Americhads dabbing on the plebs by not even walking, truly gods among mortals.

this can't be real