Why is Hollywood afraid to tackle Byzankino?

Why is Hollywood afraid to tackle Byzankino?

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The Byzantines were probably even worse to the Jews than the Latins

The average amerimutt doesn't know shit about them, or really anything about late antiquity and the medieval period outside of western Europe. In twelve years of grade school history classes, I don't think the Byzantines were mentioned once.

It destroys their entire "Muslims are le innocent peaceful indigenous peoples" narrative.

holy based

In middle school history i read the entire book front to back and loved the ERE era most. Worst timeline :-(

Try all Western History.
They pretend like it never existed despite lasting 1000 years.

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No they weren't and you are a retard

No because we need another movie about Vikings instead

Depends on what story you are telling, venetians did most of the damage

Varankino? I like the cut of your jib user

I was trying to diss the saturation of Viking related media but that would be awesome, yes.

USA can't even teach WW2 correctly let alone medieval history. The Eastern front is not taught at all and D-Day is basically considered the Battle at the Black Gate from LOTR.

Americans literally know nothing about Byzantine history and care even less to learn. Furthermore Chinese audiences give no shits about any historical epic that doesn't include them. European audiences are hit or miss. So given the choice between spending a shitzillion to make a capeshit with universal retard appeal or a film with iffy prospects across the biggest markets, what do you think is the safer investment?

>In twelve years of grade school history classes, I don't think the Byzantines were mentioned once.
I had to study them for European History and mater World History, you self hating faggot


Maybe if the Russians could have actually supported their own war effort, instead of desperately needing Lend-Lease on account of communist "economics"...

i really don't wanna be a conspiracy theorist about this
but goddamn its fucking weird how memoryholed ERE seems to be in western culture

The American view of history is:
>bible times
>game of thrones
>american revolution
>slavery and civil war

I made this pepe like 6 years ago, I'm glad it's still being used. In a few months I'm starting a PhD focused on Byzantium

Using HBO Rome as a template, how would (you) do a Byzantine show?

>Two soldiers are caught up in the historical events of an era
>Historical event would you cover?

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All based and accurate

First season is Justinian's reign. Main character is Belisarius, we follow him from the nika riots to the reconquest of italy

you forgot about aliens/blacks building the pyramids

That's also why you can't do an eastern front movie in Hollywood, because it doesn't conform to the American perception of WW2 as a heroic asskicking adventure across the pond.

>kino about pious Christians constantly being invaded hordes of Muslims looking to murder and enslave people
Never. Gonna. Happen.

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Obviously the story of the Last Roman, Belisarius. Theres just so much shit there, even a natural phenomenon

>jan 6
Updated that for you

(((Hollywood))) hates Christianity.

Vanity of Vanities would be kino

It was the Renaissance sucking off antiquity they pretty much ignored the Rome that actually existed in the Middle Ages. It's not too surprising, the only exception is what the ERE did for Christianity

I'm european and I don't know shit about them, other than they were the remnant of the roman empire. We just never covered them in history class other than mentioning that they existed like once.

It's all Greek to me.

Hollywood's unwillingness to deal with history outside of a few narrow spheres of interest honestly enrages me. We'll see a hundred more movies about Nigerian-Brits flynning in some dreary 13th-century castle before we get one goddamned Byzantine movie.