It's over

It's over

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listening to what i think is that 'australia audio' that people say couldn't be played in court. It's the one with a gay cartoon guy commenting at the start. It seems like Amber and Johnny and everyone know she's a BPD? They're like
>She needs to fly back to LA but who can go with her? x?
>No we can't, she hasn't taken her [bpd med] for weeks
>x is strong enough to not be manipulated
and earlier Johnny leaves and yells back to her
>God I wish you'd accept what you are

Based skitzo poster

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did you listen to it?

I remember one where she had an audition or something so she had to be taken back to LA

what are you on about user

She seems way more borderline personality than bipolar, but psychs will just diagnose bipolar instead so insurance pays, and the mood stabilizers to curb some of their more toxic aspects. Borderline women are basically the female version of sociopath, incredibly manipulative and always pushing boundaries to see what they can can away with, fucking psychos

Here we go, armchair r*ddit psychology thread

What's bipolar got to do with anything?

No it's quite explicitly sending her back to LA "to be with her support network" after a big fight with Johnny in Australia, while they scramble to find the end of his finger

imagine the sme-*barf*

look up what bpd is user

>serial napper is at it again
he's just doing it to taunt us at this point.

he's just taking a meganap

>still no verdict in what normies considered an open and shut case
>jury asked Judge about minor detail of instructions
Deppchudbros.. i don't feel so good....

Lol the high IQ changs on the jury spent all weekend reading up on defamation law. They are going to lawyer the hell out of Karen and LaFonda. Heard walks.


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not roy!

people are reading bpd as "Bi-Polar Disorder" instead of "borderline personality disorder"

We’ve only just begun.

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I thought it was Ice-T for a minute

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