Name a cooler costume in all of super hero films

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Why does he need the jacket when he has the bat suit. It doesnt even conceil his batsuit.. it just looks retarded.

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It’s called embracing cool comic book shit

cool concept but poor execution

Spider-Man 2002/2004
Keaton Batman
Bale Batman (all 3)
Superman 1978
The Crow

literally anything else

Its called shut the fuck up, tranny

Also honorable mention for Kilmer Batman if we take away the fucking nipples.

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The Shadow
The Rocketeer

The pseudo-cheekbones on the cowl look so fucking stupid and puffy

>the crow
Tell me youre an emo faggot with out telling me youre an emo faggot.

You like Batfleck


looks like he's sweating his balls, not cool at all

Have you rewatched The Crow recently? Loved the movie as a tween, but now Draven makes me cringe out of my skin. Actually rooted for the villains to teach that insufferable thespian and effeminate pussy a second lesson, so it would better reflect what happens to emo pussies in real life.

Wait, you though I'd be interested in your opinion? lol

keeps the dust out of all the little gaps

Oh, yeah. One word responses seem to be me your speed.

I feel the need. The need. For sneed.

Superhero wise OP is correct for once, but nothing is cooler than RoboCop.

Attached: _RoboCop.jpg (677x900, 79.44K)

Best Batman all Batfleck costumes are stellar