Nope (2022)

The aliens are hyperadvanced black people coming to reclaim Earth, which they created, and the protagonists must convince them to spare the white race, revealed to be a failed experiment, from being destroyed.

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Honestly sounds like hotepkino

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and what are asians

Please be real

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The trailer is legit cool and creepy. Looks like this gen's Signs or The Shining. Wish the audience I was stuck with reacted better.

>"Nope" hehheh
>"Oh god another one of these"
>Honey, are we going to see that? NOPE."

Not very interesting, but also probably not true. The alien designs do not translate anything that could hint they're advanced negroes. If anything them being an allergy for wypypo is more possible, but I am genuinely interested in what shit Peele will come up with to make this political. Say what but he can come up with an entertaining twist.

based audience


Whites are a failed experiment? That's putting it lightly.

am I right, fellow niggers?

For more of a lolcow reason yeah. It's fun to see what mental gymnastics Peele will go through to do a WYPIPO BAD movie, and seeing the subsequent media ball-fondling of it.

It's actually nothing to do with anything like that at all.

>UFO that abducts/kills you if you look at it
>ayylmaos are just a prank some guys kids are playing in costumes
>some shit about cameras and using them to photograph the UFO without looking at it directly
>flashbacks to an old chimpanzee "actor" freaking out and killing white handlers
>plot generally makes zero fucking sense just like Us

I wish it were like Signs. It's just going to be nigger propaganda though. Fuck Jordan Peele.

blacks are incapable of thinking beyond white and black power dynamics

My disbelief was suspended until I saw the black guy ride a horse. That has never happened outside of blaxploitation westerns, let alone real life.

>rosa parks is an alien who's returning to earth to help save black people from an invasion by another alien race, the chauvinites, who want to kill all nonwhites, and the protags must band together as all white government leaders reveal they're racists and try to help the chauvinites but rosa parks, famous for saying 'nope' on a bus, will save them

A few weeks ago when they showed the trailer some guys lost their shit with laughter

Us basically had a metaphor in it's centre about the America and it's central principle of "People Vs Government" and how government tries to destroy this principle that America had been standing on for most of it's existence.
It wasn't really about wypypo bad, and honestly I found the theme to be pretty based.
The metaphor is that basically the clones and the regular people are essentially the same, but the clones I believe represent the anger of governmental repression. I think the twist with the main character proves the fact that the clones are identical in every way and their weird behaviour is caused by the environment not genetics and that makes the metaphor of the clones and surface people being the same work.
It's a very pretentious interpretation but the movie is in fact pretentious. I don't think it's great but I found it interesting and much better than Get Out. But I think most people think it's worse.

Kek, it happens often on shitty reality dating shows and both black men and women always look really nervous and uncomfortable with it.

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why are you so obsessed about Peele?

Damn Yakub!

It's not, it's based on a story by Stephen King's son about a cloud that eats people. Yeah, a fucking cloud.

>uh excuse me you can't talk about movies on the Any Forums board are you obsessed!?

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So the self hating mulatto didn't even write it?

>tfw black

Not true

Maybe stop worrying about us and worry another kikes turning your kid into trannies

I loved Jordan’s previous work with Get Out and Us. I can’t wait to see this!

>aliens abduct people
>black people were abducted from africa
>film is a metaphor for the trans atlantic slave trade

>plot generally makes zero fucking sense just like Us
imagine not understanding the movie in which everything is spelled out to you.