How could a high school chemistry teacher afford a house like this being the sole provider for the family?

How could a high school chemistry teacher afford a house like this being the sole provider for the family?

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Cost of living in New Mexico is absurdly inexpensive. If you have 2 years of documented work history - especially with a bulletproof job like high school teacher - a basic bitch house is no problem at all.
Maybe that's different now? I'm no longer in the southwest.

How many pizzas have they cleaned off their roof?

not really in albuquerque. It’s a big gay blue city

He was a literal Boomer, OP. Don't go down this rabbit hole you're gonna get pretty pissed and for the love of God do not ask your father or Grandparents what their houses cost.

Addendum: We can also assume he cleared more than just his sold shares from Grey Matter before he left.

>An oversized cardboard box? On a teacher's salary??!?!

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Go to Albuquerque and very quickly see why. If you don't live in a trailer you live in one of these kinds of homes

When did he buy the house. New Mexico in like the 80's? Probably 200k now but it wasn't worth shit before 2005.

People forget he was literally Steve jobs

disneyland was such a mistake it made visiting movies/tv shows normal. Now people have to deal with weirdos on their lawn because they want to see where a tv show was filmed

Not even cardboard, bro.
Houses in the south west tend to be chickenwire covered in plaster, especially if built during the boom. You can break in with a sledgehammer and wire cutters.

I used to live in an area where multiple film scenes were filmed and the only annoying thing was old men acting like I didn't know.

Every time they would act shocked that I had head of The Eagle has Landed. Must have happened 10 times at least.

Abq fag here
It use to be cheap enough for anyone with an actual job to have a house like this, maybe 10-15 years ago. Now the prices have been raped by the economy and retards fleeing California and the East Coast coming here and wrecking our assholes

Albuquerque is dirt cheap these days, and back when BB was filmed it was even cheaper. When Walt probably bought that house, they were practically giving homes away.
NM has some of the worst education in the country, second only to Mississippi. But even so, being a teacher is state job with a decent salary. Considering how cheap the homes were it's not inconceivable that Walt could afford a house, especially if Skylar was still being a waitress here and there.

BCS will answer this.

He barely could.
He was on the verge of bankruptcy and Skylar thought she was going to have to start writing short stories again and making Jr. start working too to make ends meet.

There's a husband & wife schoolteacher combo where I used to live, friends of the family, both started teaching right out of college (in a wealthy suburb), saved & invested carefully, and got advanced degrees to pump up that paycheck.
They're now retired, basically rich with solid pensions and health care.
But holy shit what a grind!

He probably refinanced to pull out equity for Junior's medical bills, all the way as high as the appraisal would take it. That's what desperate middle class people do.
I'm not a BrBad scholar, just a guess.

damn those rocks look like shit