Why aren't there more movies with synthwave like John Carpenter?

Why aren't there more movies with synthwave like John Carpenter?

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His movies are too smart for general audiences.
If "The Thing" came out today people would be calling it racist and sexist because there's not enough non-whites (despite having two black leads) and theres no women, and something like "They Live" would absolutely never ever ever be allowed to be made today and you'd have jews and rich people screaming day in, day out about how its "priming young people for the second holocaust"

Ah, right. I forgot I can't discuss John Carpenter here because of all the Any Forumstard brainrot. I hope you drop all those garbage YouTube channels you watch and break out of it someday, but I know it's not likely.

>I hope you drop all those garbage YouTube channels you watch and break out of it someday
I'm working on it

Same reason there are like two major composers and they both recycle the same classical shit. It's a way to keep control. That's what Jews do.

Because no one can do it right. They tried remaking two of Carpenters films and absolutely ruined it. No director has the capability to tap into the power that is the retrowave.

No one would say that about the The Thing, they would say it's an incredible exploration about how masculinity implodes when 10 guys are forced together in a storm and given flamethrowers and pistols.

You talk like a 15 year old who thinks politics begin and end with how they affect movies.

Lots of movies from the 80s use that simple synth arpeggio style. Tangerine dream were most famous for it. Pretty much every 80s crime film has that sound.

>who thinks politics begin and end with how they affect movies.
Yes, they do

John Carpenter’s movies are subtle and modern movie studios are not subtle. If they tried, it’d end up as some jokey, audience-winkey garbage like Kung Fury.

Northman came out and had universal acclaim from critics despite having an all-white cast

And you'll never be a woman.

I'm not saying that's what The Thing is about, I'm saying that's what critics think it's about

I like the telephone gun scene though

Watch this kino video about how Carpenter soundtracks were made.

You’re really really mad about something and it’s not politics.
Girl turn you down?

Watch Starry Eyes, it's a great movie and the OST by Jonathan Snipes is very good as well

Congrats, you’ve ousted yourself as an easy to impress child. Go watch some Teletubbies.

>His movies are too smart for general audiences.
>proceeds to talk not about his movies but about play pretend reality user lives in

lol no not at all. Doctor decide to not abort your baby today? Oh thats right you can only dream about something like that cause you know your not actual woman and never will be.

Absolute kino.

Critics have never been good at critiquing anything. They are worse than the "fact checkers"

that was what I was implying, yes. Are you Mexican? You're giving off very Mexican behavior (vomiting out points you've read online in response to random stimuli)

lurk more

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it shouldn't be legal for critics to make money

Oh your one of these Reddit faggots. Makes sense