Wtf was her purpose in Top Gun: Maverick ?

Every scene with her started with Maverick staring at her in all angles possible for a few silent seconds. That was really akward.

At the end of the movie we see that Maverick's attention shifts to a newcommer in his hangar, we expect Penny, but no it's her daughter.

Wtf was this supposed to mean ?

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dont think.. just enlist

btw date single mothers

Not watching your shitty sequel with 70 yo pilots

air force? I'd love to force air!

Why aren't her feet visible? What is this treachery?

To avoid jannies

N-name ?

Why are redditers seething so much about this gem of a movie

No wokeism

not enough niggers
passing of the torch moment was to another white guy instead of a she-nig
beloved MC didn't do
>hapless comedy relief, then dies
No "slow burn"
No subverted expectations
It's like redditor cryptonite

I don't know but all of a sudden I'm very interested in seeing Top Gun

Dumb ESL.

Once dated a single mom, ended up fucking her 12yo daughter.
She never realized it.

she was there to imply that zoomers should like Top Gun.

she did, the girl was bait for you to stay

eye candy

The 12 year old didn't realise you were fucking her?
How small is your penis?

That this girl is attractive

This is my dream, I hope I can pull it off someday


Seconding this.