Is that England?

No, its America. Woodside CA to be exact.

Attached: AC2_9074.jpg (1880x1253, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It can't not be England?

Attached: Is this engand.jpg (1200x811, 1.61M)

There are enough clues in the picture to know it's not England.

are you sure?
if this is America where are the cardboard walls?

Attached: 17e3675479f8ee8e91787407de321e6f.png (906x701, 1.2M)

Yeah, I would say the type of brick, the chimneys especially, and dormer windows all look way off


>the only way america can be sovl is by copying other countries' their culture and architecture


Attached: FTZNWDWWQAAX7IR.jpg (748x491, 37.9K)

Were not a real people or culture so how are we supposed to have our own styles?

I could easily tell, that roofing isn't English.

do you have any idea who we are? we didn't just plop onto a new chunk of land and start over

>dormer windows
those are common in Neo-Georgian architecture.
This is literally in England.

Attached: winfield_house_original.jpg (600x359, 66.13K)

your fake building just looks wrong ok

>Thinks this garbage is mistakable for English architecture
Why are mutts like this?

Georgian architecture is as American as it is English.

Attached: Screenshot (2069).png (1365x625, 1.22M)

The fourth one is literally in England.
It's the Winfield House

Period bricks were a really dark red, not a bright orange.

that's the color grading.
this is what they actually look like in person.

Attached: 1-filoli-jason-o-watson.jpg (900x600, 176.2K)

Soulless copy, sad!

I disagree

it's an original design with a slight cali twist.

also woodside ca

Attached: 54eb141c7c6d2a1114a7d59476f16e24.png (640x436, 520.74K)

I disagree