When Vecna was putting his filthy nigger hands on her bros I wanted to snap

When Vecna was putting his filthy nigger hands on her bros I wanted to snap

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obvious nosejob

Maybe take your meds

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>obvious nosejob
Disagree. As cute as her nose is, I'd rather go for a blowjob. Or maybe a titjob.

Please tell me season 4 has no race mixing

she gets pregnant

Vecna is another mentally ill white person killing children.

user one of the kids turns literally gay, there's "muh bullying" substory(which may be accurate considering you fucks have been shooting each other in schools since the 90s) and obviously racemixxing.

It's fucking netflix flagship franchise, what did you expect.

they mix all the races user
every single one
there's so much muttery in that season you won't be happy
don't watch it
race. race race race. race.

>they mix all the races user
>every single one
Asians as well? I don't think there's a single asian character in the whole damn thing.


This actress always look so angry.

The redheaded girl is quite literally saved from the evil wizard by remembering how great her black boyfriend is.

Ngl was hot seeing those tentacles choke her

If your whole career was based on being in some teen-bait (formerly pedo-bait) pretend-80s-nostalgia Netflix trash, you'd look angry too, user.

In case you don't know, Vecna is not done trying to psyfuck people, Next victim is Will btw

She can always go back to Broadway

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See, she doesn't look angry there.

She should be grateful to star in Stranger Things, think about the dozens of others girls that auditioned for the role.

>I could be your zoomer
:3 sure thing

>think about the dozens of others girls that auditioned for the role.
Those just weren't as cute.

tits on tots at tuts