What is your opinion about this movie?

what is your opinion about this movie?

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Milquetoast. The main actors carried the movie.

I liked this movie, I think they had fun, you finish the movie and then you forget about it.

That's it?

There is a black guy on the poster so no thanks. 1/10

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good but overrated. Nothing remarkable about it

I liked it. Very sweet movie.

won't watch it

I haven't watched it but it's got the guy from that Lupin show that I enjoyed so it's probably alright.

It was good, but, like the other user said, forgettable. I watched it years ago, and the only things I remember about it are that one of the characters was in a wheelchair, and that I liked it


somebody is way too relaxed

He has a beautiful wife

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The movie si good but Omar Sy being an unsurprising anti-white goy ruins it for me now.

I liked it.

Heartwarming and surprisingly funny. The opera part had me in stitches.
>It's a fucking tree singing in German.

it popularized Einaudi to the point where normies would play his songs on public pianos, especially at central stations in certain cities. So fuck this film.

Based trips Xichad

liked the movie then I learned that the true story there's no black dude and now I won't even watched it again

it's a very fun and sweet but overrated

It was funny

Well executed movie but its tragical consequences on French cinéma cannot be understated. French cinéma was a lot of cheap uninspired comédies before that, now it's all cheap uninspired comedies.
>t. French

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what a waste