You have to admit you only hate him because of your anti-Semtism

You have to admit you only hate him because of your anti-Semtism

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No. He has punchable face and makes retard faces.

Ok I admit it

that actually has very little to do with it

No, it’s his face.

He makes Shia Labouf look like a nice guy

I love how Jews look extra Jewy once the reach the age of around 25. It's like a snake shedding its skin

He's Jewish? God, I didn't even know he was sick.

I like him in Mandalorion.

He was really fucking great in Too Old to Die Young.
Really recommend it btw. Great cinematic experience, Refn is a genius.

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He's just the Matrix's attempt at making another Ed Burns. He is just as forgettable.

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I might reconsider my stance

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this is the only thing he was good in

I don't hate him though. Good actor.

Terrible actor, complete flatline as Rooster almost ruining Top Gun 2 with his lack of enthusiasm

Maybe he should chose better projects and redeem himself like Pattinson did for a while before returning to making shlock. He had great screen presence. I think he has potential even as a lead. I don't even watch US movies anymore, very few anyway, but something about his jew face and cold stare screams Americana and it's interesting to see.

I can only envy him

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disagree, it was one of his few good performances

>He's a bad act-

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Can't act. That's why I don't like him.

I didn’t but now I do

He's like 1/8 jew lol
A lot of "jews" are mischlings

It's because he looks like great value John Cusack.
Although he was ok in Ready Player One.

Not my tempo.

He starred in Refnkino so he is ok in my book. *spits*

I don’t even know who this is.

He was great in the refnkino and I didn't mind his punchable face, but that's on the director I guess

Why was he not spiderman?