Best movie to watch with your girlfriend when it's a little too hot to go outside?

Best movie to watch with your girlfriend when it's a little too hot to go outside?

Looking for something calm, romantic, beautiful.

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the red turtle 2016

Most of those positions are impossible to sleep in

The Bridges of Madison County. Clint Eastwood gf kino.

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>a little too hot
just go to bed wearing nothing and turn on the next best porn, sex will ensue shortly
after that watch arrested development seasons 1 to 3

Not true, and a nap is fine in that kind of position. Lazy sunday, a nice breeze coming in, you're kinda bummed from the night before, "hey babe, I'm gonna take a nap" > "okay, wait, me too!", then boom you're in those kind of positions for 1-2 hours, a little power nap in the middle of the day before another week of white collar grinding, stacking up those benjamins, climbing the corporate ladder, quick brunch at the new sandwich place (fistbump with the POC server, umm yes please!), browsing your phone on the subway, honey I'm home, blowjob in the kitchen (I was always so repressed growing up!), mortgage signed, new house, moving up, never stopping, middle class, no, scratch that, upper-middle, yeah that sounds about right, we're raking in 300+ a year between us, first kid on the way, then a second, why don't we try for a third (I always planned on having three!), dog, two cars, big home, holidays in cities you can't even pronounce (we brushed up on the language in the airport, cue laughter from the kids as I try to teach them some basic words in an exaggerated voice), life is good, just don't be a loser, don't be a downer, don't undermine people who actually give a shit, okay?, it isn't hard, use your brain, don't be so envious all the time, some people actually enjoy being alive.

Yeah but facing each other while napping is uncomfortable because of the breath


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nice book faggot, sounds gay

I don't know how people do this. I get really hot just on my own, I absolutely despise sharing a bed with someone.

I share a bed with my partner but we use separate blankets and don't really mix cuddling and sleeping. Maybe these positions are just to rest for a bit and then accommodate properly
been happily married several years now

>tfw no gf

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same, everytime I sleep and cuddle with my gf we end up on opposite sides of the bed all sweaty

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It works if you're with a woman. Their cold hearts balance evrything out.

Unironically this. I told my GF this was my top guiltiest pleasure film, because it’s some fever dream, insane, disgusting, over the top cartoon. We watched it and fucked like animals for three hours after