What Happened?

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Imagine being so close to the truth but not actually getting it.


hmm why could that be hm

You can't just make whatever you want, slap a franchise title on it and then expect people to like it. The product has to be consistent with the expectations of the franchise. Fans don't want something they like transformed into something else, or packed full of inane propaganda.

Really makes you think



are they just pretending to be retarded? its pretty fucking obvious

>LotR fans hate current thing, why do they hate the franchise?
Hobbit trilogy not withstanding.

they hate the modern incarnation

The television watching board game playing video gaming nerds didn't have the foresight to unite in boycotting hyper progressive politics in their apathy pod of choice when they had the chance. Now they're fucked. And that's a good thing!

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>why don't fans of something like this other, unrelated thing with different characters, settings, story, writers and directors just because it has the same name as the other thing?


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>take popular thing with dedicated fanbase
>rape and corrupt it with woke cancer
>fans hate it
>wooooow why u hating it now bruh?!?!?


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>gaming nerds
remember Any Forumsermin funding fine young capitalists women competition to prove they aint racist?

It's the Jews

>write "Star Trek" in human feces on a bathroom wall
Why don't the Trekkies like it? I don't understand. Must be fan entitlement.

Who else but the fanatic devotee of a franchise would care enough to get angry about it.?)

Star Wars fans have a history of hating Star Wars.

Star Wars creators have a history of shitting on fans.

Star Wars has a history of being shit, it's like pottery.

>It's a GRRM quote
God I hate that fat faggot. It's quite easy to see why these things are happening.

>why aren't you enjoying the slop we put out? aren't you a FAN?????? be a good FAN and enjoy it

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It's very simple. Modern tv/movie companies simply changed all of those IPs into something else.

>all these people claim they love icecream
>modern company produces literal shit and puts it in a box and sells it as "icecream"
>everyone who loves icecream says they hate this new icecream
>"why do people who love icecream hate icecream now?"

>make bad product
>customer dislikes it
>its somehow the customers fault
Only real argument is they aimed for different customers. If so, don't be mad if the old ones don't like it anymore

why did they passive aggressively post a quote like that without providing context nor saying who the quote belongs to?