What is the point in this guy anymore?

Obi Wan says in episode 4 he hunted down and killed the Jedi knights, but now we see he delegates this job to these inquisitors- who must be stronger than him somehow because they can pluck information out of someone’s mind when he had to use interrogation droids and still couldn’t get information out of Leia, if the answer is “she’s force sensitive”, why doesn’t he try turn her into an inquisitor? How is he scary anymore? What is his reputation based on if not being the guy who killed all the Jedi? Now he’s going to find out Obi Wan is alive how will it be justified that he doesn’t bother looking for him after the series ends?

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There's no point in star wars anymore

Please stop trying to make sense of this children's franchise. It doesn't deserve anyone's attention anymore.

she had sex with every member of the ships crew so they just thought she was a random prostitute brought along for fun

Star Wars is shit and you've wasted enough of your life on it. Time to start living for real, m8.

I agree. Vader was the Jedi killer, with legions of stormtroopers under his command. This inquisitor stuff is crap or at the very least way too emphasized.

He's 50% of the Sith Order.

Yeah what is even the point of Vader if not to hunt down and kill the Jedi? To me that was always what made him so cool, that he was the one who hunted them all down and killed them

The prequels already shifted this by the vast majority of the Jedi getting killed by clone troopers.

>but now we see he delegates this job to these inquisitors
So I guess these inquisitors are mostly coloured badass women?

The inquisitors were a mistake
The comics and expanded universe where a mistake
The sequels were a mistake
The prequels were a mistake
Everything after the OT was a mistake.

If Obi Wan can beat him or hold his own against him what is the point in hiding from him anyway? If he’s not some overwhelming unbeatable force why are Obi Wan and Yoda hiding?

it made the people involved a shit ton of money, how was it a mistake

A mistake from a creative point of view.
Of course financially it was the only way it could have gone.

Absolutely based and true. The only worthwhile shit are some games. Even then, I wouldn't give a shit if they were considered non-canon. They already are in my head.

a mistake from a creative and artistic integrity standpoint. Instead, Bill Watterson is the example ALL creators should aspire to be like.

>making sense out of disney's fanfiction

Vader is strong with the Force, but he never managed to fine control it. he's pure brute force.
Extracting stuff from people's mind isn't part of his repertoire because it has never boethered him to learn it

>t. disney writer

there arent many classics left that were left alone.

But he kind of does it to Luke in return of the Jedi

i think inquisitors should have been high ranking imperial spy type people that aren't force sensitive, or if they are it's barely noticeable and can only use it enough to find jedi. they don't have lightsabers, but they are able to call in reinforcements and vader quickly once they do find a jedi