The mortis arc in clone wars is fucking garbage...

The mortis arc in clone wars is fucking garbage. This is praised by the Star Wars fandom as one of the best parts of the entire series and it plays out like really, really cringy fan fiction. You would have to be retarded to think this shit is good

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>This is praised by the Star Wars fandom as one of the best parts of the entire series
What sort of revisionist itoddler garbage is this? You must be underage because nobody liked it when it aired live.

Go search mortis on the Star Wars subreddit

clone wars is all garbage. not trolling. a pedophile's wet dream leading soldiers into combat. pure trash.

>caring about the opinions of redditors

That’s where most Star Wars fans hang out

i liked evil ahsoka but that was about it. I guess it made my kid pp big

Could you go into more detail, please?


Couldn’t care less what Reddit says. I was there when it aired. I watched it live and discussed it at school. Nobody liked it


>plays out like really really cringey fan fiction
Given that that’s all Filoni’s stuff is...

Everyone thought it was stupid when it came out. Filoni just wouldn't stop referencing it until enough retards thought it must be good because it keeps being referenced.

Based clone wars is fine like revenge of the sith

clone wars is the most overrated shit ever

Why do you hate war crimes what are you a woman?

Of course its retarded but Any Forums deepthroats and deepanals anything Star Wars so they’ll cry and bitch and shit themselves about this thread lul

Oh, if you'd honestly believe what you said was true, I'd be glad to show you how people think otherwise of him.

>between clone wars and revenge of the sith obi-wan anakin and some original content donut steal fan fic crash land on a planet that is inhabited by walking allegories for the light and dark side and anakin is shown the future but his memory is wiped and the light side of the force personification that turns into a 2005-era WoW Mount is killed by the edgy dagger of evil and…
Yeah okay

>my director cares about my franchise
>fan fictions
Is Any Forums retarded?

>tips fedora
The Son is the key to sussing out the Rule of Two there is only The Son, and a Sith acolyte/avator The Mother Abeloth is the key to the source of the Dark Side.

The tone shifts with mid & late seasons, outside of filler episodes. Cutting those out, it's more than tolerable. It really bears out the Obi and Anakin relationship, and casts the latter as big dick war hero. Even Ahsoka and the trial are necessary 5shadowing of Anakin's arc.

I meant to say that there are people who like him. Awful people. You'll know what I mean soon.

>This is praised by the Star Wars fandom as one of the best parts of the entire series
People who like TCW aren't even human. Just put it in the shit bin with the rest of Filoni's cancerous additions.

Yeah, it's really bad. Just look at this shit.

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