Need recommendations of disturbing chatacter focused movies, preferably amateur / found footage style like picrel

need recommendations of disturbing chatacter focused movies, preferably amateur / found footage style like picrel

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one of the few things i like about August Underground is how real it feels because the way it was filmed is so raw and shit.
I've been seeking that thrill ever since i watched the trilogy

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>disturbing character focused movies
do you mean 'literally me' character focused movies?

yes, that also

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls might be right up your alley

Attached: Slaughtered_Vomit_Dolls_DVD_Cover.jpg (265x377, 27.62K)

i tries watching this one and i think Lucifer Valentine was trying too hard. sorry, i had to pass this one, it was too much second hand embarassment

I've never actually seen it but recommend it every chance I get because I'm waiting for someone to tell me how good it is so I can finally watch it

>disturbing chatacter focused movies, preferably amateur / found footage style
Have you seen Zero Day? That's a good one that might fit what you're looking for
I'd also recommend Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Only one scene is found footage but the whole movie has this sort of voyeur feel like you're watching actual shit happen
Never heard of A Hole in my Heart before but it sounds bizarre

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I've heard it's basically just porn

have you ever heard of American Psycho?

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Filth, Naked.

Man Bites Dog?

that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for

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need more details

Clean, Shaven

Be My Cat is another FF you might like

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Filth: James McAvoy is a corrupt Scottish police officer (investigator?) that wants his wife (and old life) back but can't back down from his self-destructive ways. Quite a trip in lulz, including teenage blowjob.
Naked: David Thewlis (Remo Lupin from HP) is a depressed bookworm hyperactive fugitive full of opinions that causes mayhem in the life of everyone around him. It's those kind of contained academic stories about toxic male traits. It's from 1993. Good movie.

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Oh, and Filth has Imogen Poots, if you are into that sort of thing.

i love the cover, will check it

Imogen Gay Poots LMAO i can't believe they named this bitch that
but thanks for the recommendation i'll check it, sounds like it's right up my alley

Poster has crazy motherfucker written all over it. I'm down.

Yeah I think the poster is sick, big part of the reason I checked the movie out. Reminds of this poster for Wolf Creek that's also cool

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is there anything good with the same raw energy of august underground?

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