What are some chainsaw kinos that aren't Texas Chainsaw or the Evil Dead franchises?

What are some chainsaw kinos that aren't Texas Chainsaw or the Evil Dead franchises?

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I don't know
fuck you

Sometimes A Great Notion
Fire in the Sky

American Psycho.

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When was the last time you saw a Western woman work hard, with her hands?

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motel hell


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When was the last time you did?

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I don't think I ever have desu.

We don't need to.

cringe kino

He said women not trannys.

>When was the last time you saw a Western woman work hard, with her hands?
They're rare, but there's a few left.

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Is that what Björk does for a living now?

You can't cut water.

how come she doesnt electrocute herself??

She's very careful