It's Northin' time!

>It's Northin' time!

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I really liked The Northman, and i see what you’re going for here, and I appreciate you for it; but it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. The “b” sound in “morbin’” just makes it tickle my fancy.

Northman? More like Snoreman, what a fucking hack Eggers turned out to be.

Ayylmao cringe

Was the girl that tried to surprise stab one of the berserkers and had her son burned alive Olga? Wasn't too sure.

Yes it's her, surprised me how they didn't killed her right on the spot, but I guess it's because "muh strong ones"

The lesson here is, if you want to end up with your bug-eyed baby maker you can’t show your mother or half brother any mercy.

How was this movie a flop even though it was good? It cost $70 million to make and has grossed a measly $66 million at the box office.

lol do you guys dare me to watch it?

triple dog dare you

Why did they burn the kids and not the old people? The kids would be more valuable slaves than old people
Why did they kill them in the first place? Just take the slaves and leave them be

it's 20-30 minutes too long

Because Vikings are meany pants.

It turned to shit after the basedkyrie appears, you can really feel the Eggers scenes and the corpo retouched scenes.

I assume to make sure the kids don't come back for vengeance 10 years later, young and strong. Also ends the slave's old life in their village. They have nothing to go back to. Tying up lose ends.

Similar reason for why Amleth was supposed to die. A motif, if you will.

>I'm thinkin' its time for some chinkin'
??? i didn't get that scene

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I liked it but Willem Dafoe was the best part of the movie and he's in it for about 5 minutes. If ayylmao got her honkers out, I'd recommend it more but you only see her ass in a couple of scenes.

this movie was goy wars for pseuds and people that hate fun

I want Anya to jump on my cock repeatedly until I beg her to stop crying, then she stops eventually, get close to my ear and say "I've loved you at first sight".

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand and appreciate the northman.
The story is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of norse history, mythology and storytelling most of the plot will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Ameleths vengeful outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- hispersonal philosophydraws heavily from the old sagas, for instance. Us norse history buffs understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this film, to realise that they’re not just some gory action film with vikings- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the northman truly ARE idiots and probably anti-white beta leftists- of course they wouldn’t appreciate the movie.
I’m smirking right now just imagining one of thoseaddlepatedsimpletons scratching their heads in confusion asRobert Eggers genius mind unfolds itself on their cinema screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>After all these years, finally, I've returned to The North, man

I liked the lighthouse and i really liked the witch.
I just saw this film and thought it was trash. Really disappointed

itt: a really bad Conan remake