She's right, you know

She's right, you know.

Attached: model minority.jpg (1719x1191, 340.24K)

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Don’t care eff nigs

I fucking hate how youtube changed from people doing dumb shit with a camera to everyone being an expert on everything and making video essays

Because the market demands everyone to be high value and have lots of knowledge? Are you being purposely stupid here?

Blame the Amerifaggots and their highly politicized soyciety.

Stop eating it up then

>why the 2nd mission in scrimblo quest breaks down american society a brief retrospective
>12 hours 43 minutes and 38 seconds

Did your dad touch your weewee when you were a lil laddy?

based and jackass pilled

Westernized Asian women are the worst minority group known to man.

Attached: 1653143528558.png (1080x1080, 409.7K)

>whites think both blacks and asians are degenerate
>asians change that impression by working hard and being successful
>blacks continue to hold on to hood degeneracy and reject successful blacks calling them Uncle Toms
>"nooo you can't be successful that's racist"

she looks like she only dates white guys

Don't care. If you are that underage you can't take what others say about anything then go to hell

you sound like you're in desperate need of watching the video

China will win. Russia will win. Mexico will win. Fuck the USA.

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I probably am. I went on a rant off of the title.

>black people are in America for 300+ years
>no upward mobility
>18-year-old black man in 2022 America is as poor and uneducated as his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandpappy from the 1700's

>Chinese immigrant comes over to California in the 1850's to mine gold
>actually got tricked and now work for slave wages in dangerous situations for pennies a day
>uneducated and poor as fuck, but managed to send his son to school
>2nd generation son has primary school education and works a shit job but less dangerous than his father and earns a bit more money
>3rd generation son has middle school education and works a shit job with below average pay
>4th generation son has high school education and has a business of his own due to his father's savings
>5th generation son goes to college due to father's business and becomes a doctor/lawyer/engineer

Chinese people make blacks look bad, and it just contributes to the overall anti-black racism narrative in the US.

It's funny how the responses to this thread illustrate / prove her point

I'm not going through those 38 minutes

Imagine believing all of that horseshit you fucking yellow bug man. Unless you live in fucking Chicongo then any 2nd generation immigrant even from a hellhole like Eritrea should be able to make a living and be successful