Living in this trashcan of a "country" violates my human rights

living in this trashcan of a "country" violates my human rights

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who asked

Have sex

denmark is literally across the border user
never read on here that they're full

Americans work up to 30% more per year in total work hours.

Why do people compare yearly wages that don't account for that when countries have drastically different work hours? Just get a second job if you want to earn more money.

You never were human zoomer since you admitted in the other thread you couldn't read which is a basic human ability

Ye ye ye, try living in Eastern Europe, then bitch about Germany.

God I hate the German software developer salary poster so fucking much it's unreal

>Just get a second job if you want to earn more money.
my marginal tax rate is 42% + 5% social security contributions
The g********t literally steals 53% of my paycheck. Then they steal 19% on purchases from what's left. Effectively the marginal tax rate is 60%
And no a 40 hour full time job is a 40 hour full time job everywhere. Others (not me) working part time jobs doesn't affect my quality of life. Neither here nor in any other country. Because I work a full time job, not a made-up statistical average job.

Why are people who work with computers for a living always so insufferable?

>And no a 40 hour full time job is a 40 hour full time job everywhere.

No it's not, you fucking dumbass. You are a little spoiled bitch that enjoys German labor rights and protections. You have no idea how labor dynamics work in other countries.

Here is another example: you have very likely 1 full month per year off. An American worker in your industry has less than half of that on average. So just going by this alone you are working less.

If you want 30% more money work 30% more like an American or shut the fuck up.

Everyone told them they're going to reach the top of the social hierarchy but once they made it they realized they are just wage slaves like any other person. That the people that are actually rich, actually in charge don't work for a living at all.

After adjusting for cost of living there's no difference between Denmark and Germany and they have even less normal jobs than Germany.

that's what being in a low wage insane tax anti white anti male system that's solely designed to benefit browns and boomers at the expense of able bodied native Germans does to your mental health

These problems effectively apply to all engineering jobs. People that do useful stuff that contributes to exports.

The thing is that OP still hasn't snapped out of it. So he blames other circumstances. If he just lived in the US, he surely would make it, right! Right? But he hasn't realized it that even if he earned more for worse working hours, he'd still be another worker bee, a cog in this system, a wage slave.

Programmers don't become millionaires, business and property owners do.

The average millionaire in the US owns a car dealership or a soft drink distribution company.

>30% more work = 30% more income
I see you don't understand marginal tax rates and think we're living in a flat tax country
30% more work = 10% more income thanks to the GDRv2's glorious tax system

another garbage post
I was promised a middle class lifestyle and in normal countries you get to retire early if you live frugally on middle class income. Here you don't get to retire. At all. Ever.

>Canada 52k
>USA 110k
We're fucking doomed man. All the Canadian STEM zoomers want to go work in the USA in muh Silicon Valley, if you think your country is a trashcan then think about us, we're bound to be Mexico 2.0
t. Canadian

Yes on a higher income at a lower tax rate I would save money more quickly. Very basic. You sound like a Russian shill.

>Programmers don't become millionaires
I will become a millionaire even in this mega shithole. But only if I keep working until I'm around 45. In the USA I would have already retired.

Uhm sweety? Canadians work 30% less. At a Canadian full time job you work only 28 hours per week. Didn't you read what the other G****** flag had to say?

keep your eyes on the prize user..

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I consoom barely anything. My main expenses outside of rent, food and utilities are internet access online courses and books. I don't want money to buy garbage but to be able to leave the soulless cog system to do things like teaching my children, taking walks, feeding animals and actually improving the world in meaningful ways instead of living among brown filth in brown filth cities with bmwf advertisements, light polluted skies and fat nagging women ruling he country. All I want is to get away from all of this insanity.

>be german
>one of the most developed states in the world
>free movement across all european union member states
>post on Any Forums about what a shithole you live in and how you can't escape
Why are they like this

>european union member states
They are all shit as well. This would be a valid point if I was a South Italian that could go to Germany but I'm already in the highest income part of Germany.

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