ITT: Moments that saved Any Forums

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there's a job that is holding an umbrella for a pretty girl and i'm not getting paid to do it right now

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Not getting an erection is a requirement though.

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never mind

and guys here say confidence doesnt work

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It's to not mess up her wardrobe for the scene.

The point is it's a job where you just stand next to a pretty girl and hold an umbrella over her. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Where do i sign up

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absolute kino moment. why did he do it?

As with most jobs in Hollywood, thebl position is yours as long as you let me rape you a little bit

That does not seem reasonable at all

>Where do i sign up
Does your name end in berg, blatt, stein, or witz?

Look you wanna hold umbrellas? I can get you umbrellas. I'll have people thinking you're the greatest umbrella holder of all time. Just lemme see that dick.

Tummy kino

I'm very uncomfortable now

what movie?

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No way. Tell me this is not from the tv show.


Wasn't every episode like 10 million dollars to make?

What does she smell like, bros?

yes this looks like a money laundering scheme

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oh brother that looks bad