What racist slurs exist for your nationality or ethnicity? Mark them out of ten for offensiveness

What racist slurs exist for your nationality or ethnicity? Mark them out of ten for offensiveness.

Limey, pommie, sassenach. All 2/10 not really bothered. Feel free to expand that list.

Attached: D955C8E5-94F7-41C4-92D7-D69A57CFA397.jpg (1080x855, 64.67K)

In real life: yank, seppo, gringo
On Any Forums: mutt, fat, amerishart
None are very offensive.

we call you inselaffen (island monkeys)

My gf and her family say "Americano" instead of gringo after I called her out on it being a slur.

spic, beaner, wetback

im not a woman or gay so I don't care about the opinion of people im not trying to fuck.

none exist, we are well liked around the world. Some call us "krauts" likely in praising reference to our culinary delights

Danes call us "fjellabe"- montain monkeys.
Swedes call us "norbag"- fags.
Might be some more but my fragile heart can't tale any more Norway slander.

Kike is a word that almost nobody in Israel knows. I would say 3/10 on the scale of offensivenes. But I guess american Jews would disagree.

I call them Köter, Almans, Kartoffeln, Mischlinge (there are barley any of them existing anyways, and I live in a 5K town.)

fuck off oven dodger
fuck off nordcuck
fuck off nazi
fuck off sudaca
fuck off mutt
fuck off paki

Attached: 1649290002198.jpg (251x300, 16.26K)

I love mexcrement, mexcrement wouldn't be a thing if brown shits had not sperged out wanting to change the name from Méjico to Mexico, the word excrement doesn't have the letter j but the letter x, so it fits perfectly, not only that, it works in Spanish too, mexcremento

Attached: 10282 - animated anime bant_(4chan) black_skin blood brown_eyes brown_skin chino_kafuu computer crying dead glasses gochiusa gun hair mexico open_mouth shooting soyjak spanish_text stubble variant_gapejak_front video yellow_eyes (1).webm (720x1080, 749.92K)

el schoolo shooto

Ich bin ein Türke hört sich genauso an wie ich bin ein Kanake und es gibt kein anderes Wort das du benutzen könntest lol

Ok Sohn eines Türken und Kartoffel

I heckin' love that webm

Czech casting

it's not really though, it is derived from the word greek, as in it's all greek to me, i.e. anyone who doesn't speak spanish. any caucasian foreigner is a gringo.

Except in practice it's exclusively used to refer to white Americans.

I seriously blew their tiny 3rd world brains when I told them they could microwave baked potatoes for 5 minutes instead of cooking them in the oven for an hour and a half.

>White americans
Lol no

Every american is a gringo


no one would call a black american or a chicano a gringo though

You don't call blacks "gringos." You don't call asians "gringos." Se llaman negros y chinos.

Ok boche

>Except in practice it's exclusively used to refer to white Americans.
kind of, in practice Americans were the only white foreigners who'd come here in any number for a long while, but any white is generically a gringo. If someone called you that here it's not necessarily disrespectful, kind of depends on the context.

>Kind of depends on context
Not really. It's white Americans(i.e. United Statesians to you).
