[Ruins a generation of women]

[Ruins a generation of women]

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Who says they're ruined? I can fix them


I believe in you.

If there was a version with just the Kim Cattral scenes I'd watch it

Women look so stupid. They look like a bunch of painted clowns prancing around. You normally don't see it because your monkey brain makes you want to fuck them, but every once and a while you can catch a glimpse of how ridiculous and pathetic they are.

When you learn that it’s written by a gay man and all the characters are just avatars for gay men in NYC, it makes sense.

I like when world peace takes priority, for the week

>When you learn that it’s written by a gay man
You mean some episodes?

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Ah no wonder it sucked so bad....

The reboot is kino.

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>4 archangels in Christianity
>2 of them blonde (Gabriel, Uriel), one redhead (Michael) and one brown (Raphael)
talk about hidden symbolism in media

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What happened to her ass?

>I can fix her.
Picrel: Her.

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She was pretty in the 80s but by the point of OP's pic I'm no longer interested.

Women really think they can be whores into their mid-30s and then settle down with an investment banker. This show is a femcel factory. I love all the millennial women with shitty degrees and student debt whining about how there are "no good men", No you're just an eggless whore. These femcels are of course the first to call male they don't like an incel.

I'd have intercourse with those women, if you know what I mean.

Hey, im not going to pretend that it won't be a challenge. It just needs finesse and a lil elbow grease

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press s to spit on arkans grave.

I watched like 30 episodes high on morphine after surgery and thought it was pretty good


it seems today, like all you see
is violence in movies, and SEX ON TEEVEE

Shit shit shit shit dogshit shit shit dog shit shit dogshit shit

Ruined my girlfriend back in the day. I thought that it was just a harmless TV show.

Dude, I watched multiple episodes of West Coast Choppers & some British house flipping show while high on fent after spinal surgery and didn't have such delusions. That must have been good stuff.

Not so fast!

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My sister was hooked on it. As a result she treated every boyfriend like he was a handbag to accessorize her life. Dead eggs now, manic depressive and her dog is her baby.

Maybe so, but this ruined generationS of women.

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Samantha was just as well written as Tony Soprano`

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So this is the endgame for 'Wine Aunt with a suspicious amount of money'?

Greece really does have to deal with Turkey, Albania AND Bulgaria huh. Poor bastards

>implying a generation of anyone watched this crap
Go back to Twitter, retard.

have you ever been to greece?