Can we all agree "Rise of Skywalker" is the worst Star Wars movie?

Can we all agree "Rise of Skywalker" is the worst Star Wars movie?

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sure. this is old news

Last Jedi

I genuinely think RoS is worse but they're both awful

TFA, TLJ and Rise of Soÿwalker are on the same level.

tLJ > tFA ~ RoS
Rian is shit but makes an unique (bad) movie.
JJ Star Wars is nothing except trash.

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TFA is worse imo
Rise of Skywalker sucked but it's not like you can end something well with so shitty a beginning. I mean is there really ANYTHING that could have happened in RoS that would make people look back on the trilogy as a whole with fondness?
TFA had everything in the world going for it, virtually infinite budget, marketing, all the old cast was still alive, everyone was excited. There's 0 excuse for how bland it was


It’s so bad, JJ Abrams hasn’t directed any films since 2019. Hopefully it’s career ending.

best to worst:
1) First half of Last Jedi
2) Force Awakened
3) Second half of Last Jedi / Rise of Skywalker

Attack of the clones is the worst as far as the actual quality of the movies go. The last jedi is probably the most disastrous in terms of its wider impact on people. Basically quality wise:


Negative impact on the franchise and my mental state:


>Negative impact on the franchise and my mental state:
Agree with this. Regardless of the objective pros/coms of the movie, this is an accurate ranking of audience reactions.

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Fantasy > reality

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$tar Mars

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Prequelhaters deserve the sword. You’re inability to appreciate a thoughtful story with fantastic world building is why we were cursed with the exact oppoaite afterwards.

TFA was like a mission statement: we know what you liked about Star Wars, we are not going to do trade federation wars or tell you the Stormtroopers are all clones of Boba Fetts dad. It did this well, even if some of the individual elements came off as “unoriginal” - we had a lot of “original” ideas in the prequels and they were awful. This was about reminding the fans that the fundamentals of the series were still sound and that the story was in good hands.
The Last Jedi shit all over everything and is unforgivable.
I don’t even rate the third because it was basically like watching icecapades on the shit from TLJ

you’re a zealot faggot. I don’t hate the prequels, in fact I ranked them all sans attack of the clones higher than the sequels and in the case of episode 3 I think it’s better than 6. just admit these movies are tied to your identity so you get offended when somebody doesn’t worship them with the exact same intensity you do

>Attack of the Clones is worse than Rise of the Skywalker
As if we need anymore proof that you’re a zealous plinkett ball-licker.

In my opinion the rise of skywalker is at least entertaining because of the context surrounding it, it’s a huge hilarious dumpster fire that is genuinely enjoyable to watch. I didn’t give a shit about the “universe” of star wars after TLJ so I was just laughing at the sinking ship. Attack of the clones is genuinely boring tedious garbage. I’m not a prequel hater, but I am an episode 2 hater

All Disney-SW is worse than AoTC, sorry

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>Attack of the clones is the worst as far as the actual quality of the movies go
Seek help. And you absolutely deserve TFA, that movie was made specifically for you in mind.

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>This was about reminding the fans that the fundamentals of the series were still sound and that the story was in good hands.

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please try to let me disagree with you about kids movies without getting this offended and having to pathologise me. I don’t like TFA at all and I respect AOTC more, I just think AOTC on a strictly movie level is worse and less entertaining. and it undeniably is. the reasons you hate TFA are valid but they are outside the context of how the actual film is put together and to do with the wider franchise it exists in, like how unoriginal and pandering and soulless it is. on that level it’s worse than episode 2 but as a film in a vacuum I enjoy it more

TFA was the movie fans wanted.
TLJ was the movie fans needed.
TROS was the movie fans deserved.